It will hurt if she demands to return home, my heart will break at my failure. But if she hates Axilaria, or our colony? There will be no point in living. Having dedicated half my adult life to making our home all that it can be, I can't even begin to imagine how I would handle Odette thinking poorly of it.

Axilaria is paradise because of our people. We have spent generations building an ecosystem for our future. Our forebears built a world of peace and education, surely Odette will be able to see the glory in it?

I am thinking too philosophically. There are bigger problems that first must be overcome. Like my real body or that as we break through Earth’s atmosphere, her body is being changed to fit the drastically different conditions of my planet. She will look like all the other humans, but that takes some time to adjust.

Thankfully humans have become more accepting of body modification. I can only hope that Odette is open minded about what’s being done to her.

There is also the fact she will be enraged about being lied to by the TRP and me. I’ve heard of many humans refusing to complete mating rituals until they feel their otherworldly counterpart has suitably made up for the slight. I scratch the scales beneath my dorsal fin at just the thought. Like many planets, Axilaria has a strict process for formal apologies. A three phase ritual to ensure whatever slight committed will not be repeated.

As my thoughts begin to spiral further, plans for how I will apologise to Odette start to form right next to how glorious my cum will look leaking from her pussy, the intercom system turns on.

“Please take a seat as we begin to accelerate to hyperspeed, our calculated time of arrival is eighteen earth hours.”

After setting the ship to be fully autopiloted, I move to sit across from Odette’s pod. There is a soft blue hue from it that reminds me of home, helps slow the beating of my hearts while being pressed subtly into my seat. There is no movement from her as tiny nano arms fix the jagged bite mark I left on her.

Flat human teeth are barbaric things. The sharpness of an Axilarian’s teeth make neat, clean cuts. After generations of evolution, rather than our teeth flattening, they changed purpose. During a frenzy when our glands produce copious amounts of saliva to ensure our receiving partner’s well prepared to be fucked for several days. The saliva helps heal bites that are an integral and intimate part of the bonding ritual during a mating. It won't sustain their energies, but I have been told the high it gives humans is similar to a botanical herb they smoke.

Overhead, the light flicks to a sleep setting, and the long shadow of my tail stretches even further across the floor. It’s been a very long trip and it would be good for me to sleep before I go into a half mad state. This body hasn’t smelt Odette, so it doesn’t know. I know how delicious she smells in a sense, but once we are on Axilaria and the pod opens again, there is no telling how intense my reaction will be. I’m old enough, I know my body isn’t exactly up to shape for a marathon of mating like my younger self had been. My eyes have to be forced closed still when I’m unable to look away from my Odette.

So good. So wet. So mine.

I sleep for most of the journey when I feel it. My nostril slits flair and I feel the drool on my shirt. If I were capable of feeling embarrassed in this state, I would. But I smell her everywhere. Odette’s scent has permeated the ship and I’m losing my mind. The muskiness of it, the touch of her perfume that I couldn’t quite smell on our date, it’s all flooding my brain with a baser instinct to mate.

She’s still in stasis. The pod is secure, but when I turn to look at the box I placed her jacket in, the airlock has released. Decontamination completed earlier than scheduled, which I had hoped to avoid. Does this mean she could wake up early?

“CAT, now,” I bark, peeling off my ruined top. My skin chafes against the seat I am strapped to but I can’t get up yet.

“We are a tick from breaching the surface of Axilaria,” the artificial voice announces. “Please remain seated unless absolutely necessary.”

“Like fuck,” I curse, palm pressing into the bulge of my trousers.

The sooner I can rub my face all over Odette’s jacket, the better. If the frenzy sinks its teeth into me too far from home, I will lose it and rip her free from that pod. Usually, with malesof my age, one can release some tension and slow down the mindlessness of it with just the scent of their mate.

I scrabble from the back of the ship towards the table behind the cockpit. The moment it’s in my hand, Odette’s jacket is wrapped around my face like a scarf. I am surrounded by her scent and have to fumble my way back to my seat. Every inhale is setting my hearts on fire with need. There isn’t a thought in my head that isn’t consumed with her—spoiling, loving, fucking. Until our final days, I want to do everything for my Odette.

Unbuckling my trousers is quite easy when strapped into this chair. I pull my cocks out with one hand, gripping the base of the pale, twitching shafts while I spit into my other. There is enough of the mating saliva threatening to drip from my mouth that by the time I’m done my cock is slippery. My fist slowly pulls at the foreskin of my cocks until my tips are exposed and I can spread more lubrication on them. The mating fluid I produce does nothing special for me, but for Odette?

It will beheaven.

Each of my hands wraps around the engorged heads of my cocks and I squeeze to simulate the pulsing grip of my mate’s pussy until the frills release. I’m shaking with need as I stare at her. She looks so at peace while my body is on the verge of exploding. I stroke them slowly, breathing in the scent of her. How I will wrap her body around my cocks, watch them stretch her tight pussy until she can fit both inside of her at once. Saliva fills my mouth once more and I can’t stop myself from sinking my teeth into her jacket to quell the frenzy.

It doesn’t taste of her, but pushes me higher towards my release. I stroke my cocks faster in matching rhythms, playing with the frills on my bottom while I smear more precum onto my top. My tail begins to stiffen the closer I get to coming. There’s something depraved about doing this while she sleeps, but Ican’t take my eyes off her. My fists move faster and faster and all I want is to be truly surrounded by her.

To feel her touch on my real skin and not be afraid, it’s all I truly need. I want Odette to see the real me and feel the same passion she felt for that other body. She has to know that I am the same, if not better, with this figure. I trust that she will, and it’s that promise that has me milking ropes of fluid from my cock. Just the idea of her touching me with love and desire is all it takes to send me hurtling into the mindless bliss of my orgasm.

Cum covers the space between my spread thighs and finally the haze begins to recede. I swallow any remaining saliva as I stroke my cocks until they are soft. Each sensitive length is carefully placed into my trousers, and the ship’s small robot cleaner shoots out from its nook by the pod and all evidence of my act is mopped up by the machine. Overhead the lights slowly rise until they are nearly blinding.

“Prepare to breach the surface of Axilaria.”

“Shit,” I mutter, sitting up straighter.

I need to make myself presentable so I can truly meet my mate.

Chapter 5


Typically, I don’t makea habit of passing out after a partner makes me come. But then again, I’ve never had a more life changing orgasm that literally made me black out the moment it hits me. It was like my body sang with pleasure for the first time.The stars and planets aligned as Mason hit high note after high note until my mind and body shattered into the best fuck of my life.