Overkill? Maybe. Totally effective at getting everyone to scramble? Absolutely.

Axilarians start rushing around like a load of chickens with their heads cut off. Everywhere I look, someone is carrying another tray of appetisers around or setting up more makeshift tables with long cloths so we all have space to hide. Every time I complete a task for someone, another person needs an extra hand.

I’m exhausted by the time I finished wrapping the last Ialot garland around the stair railing to block off the first floor of the building. Sweat drips down my back and I have never wished for a fan more in my life.

Pri’za’s comm goes off with an alert from Al’dren.

They’re almost here.

As predicted people start doing that silly speed walk you do when you’re trying to sneak by quickly without getting caught. I don’t get why or how this is such a universal thing, even a billion miles from Earth, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get caught up in the excitement. I’m on my tiptoes just like everyone else and running towards the front entrance. Between dodging someone’s tail and stepping over the legs of the tripod for the motion camera, disaster strikes.

One second I am pristine in my formal attire, the next I am covered in green juice that smells too much like beer. There is aresounding gasp around me and people are staring at me. And the flash goes off.

Not only have I ruined my top, there is photographic evidence of it for all to see.

Why does this happen to me? What have I done to upset the universe so much?

In a panic, I grab hold of a corner of a table cloth to wipe my shirt clean and the person whose juice I’m wearing dashes for a closet in the back corner of the room. Pri’za grabs each of my biceps suddenly and lifts. We’re moving before I can make a sound. It isn’t until we are behind the receptionist desk that she drops me. She shoves away the couple hiding here and turns to me.

“Don’t panic,” she says.

“I’m totally chill,” I lie. She knows I’m lying too because there are tears running down my cheeks and I can’t stop my chin from wobbling. “I’m like an ice—ice—”

“There is a lost items box.” She pulls it out and I’m staring at the most villainous collection of belongings I’ve ever seen. And I worked in radio.

Pri’za tosses away a three cupped bra, a crystal dildo that is too realistic, poker chips, a half burnt playbill, and one fingerless glove meant from someone with only two fingers. Finally she pulls at a new top that looks like it’s all mesh. Not even a full horizontal strip across the chest for tits or decoration.

Her cheeks turn navy the longer she stares at it.

“Show me.” I hold my breath. She turns the top around and I read it aloud. “Frill seeker.”

Is this worse than ‘Lik This’? At least it’s all spelled correctly. I can’t form any other thoughts. My inappropriate shirt doesn’t have the grammatical errors that horrible shirt I wore on my first date with Ma’xon does. That’s all I can think about.

“We’ll manipulate the pictures before we share them anywhere,” she promises. “I’ll try and stall for a few.”

She sprints toward the entrance. I hear her loudly greet Ma’xon and my body starts moving. I rip off my formal top and slide into this mesh monstrosity. At least my nipples are covered. I know Axilarian’s don’t have them, but lord help me. I am not flashing nip on camera.

I peek out over the desk and can just make eye contact with Betty. I make a face and show her my front, pointing down at my chest. Her eyes bug out when she reads it and slaps a hand over her mouth. Her thumb pops up in approval and that’s the last chance I get before I hear feet stomping up the stairs.

It’s now or never. My stomach is a nervous ball of knots and all I can think about is how much I want to hug Ma’xon. This has been the busiest two days of my life. There hasn’t been time to stop and miss my mate. I haven’t been able to think of anything but planning and planning and how much I don’t want children after staying with Pri’za and Al’dren.

All I want is to snuggle up with my giant shark man and slurp down a bucket of noodles. Maybe also have my back blown out, but that’s secondary.

My primary objective is wrapping myself around Ma’xon so he never leaves me again. I spent the first twenty-eight years of my life completely fine with just a teddy bear to give me comfort. But now? Now I need an eight foot tall alien with a tail to hold me close at night and tell me about his favourite flowers or what happened at Ke’lee’s last birthday party.

I need the sound of his voice in my ear, telling me how much my laughter makes him smile or how gorgeous he thinks I am dripping wet. Ma’xon has invaded all the spaces around me and I know I’ve done the same to him.

“SURPRISE!” everyone shouts.

Flower petals shower the entrance and the camera flashes, capturing the awe on Ma’xon’s face. I rush around the desk and throw myself at him like they do in the movies when the love interests are reunited after a long time apart.

It’s been two days, hardly any time in the grand scheme of my new extended life, yet I burst into tears when we make eye contact. He takes two long strides and then I’m being lifted high into the air. I look down at my mate, my Ma’xon. There he is, all mine.

“Don’t ever leave again,” I sniffle, wrapping my legs just under his armpits.

“Not without you by my side,” he promises.

He winds his arms around me and nuzzles into my shoulder. He presses kisses onto my skin all the while the people around try pushing us along toward the podium so the party can get started. But Ma’xon won’t be moved just yet. He pulls away from our hug long enough to press his lips to mine.