“I just need a hot shower and mountain of drugs to last the next few days.” I rub the sleep from my eyes and toss the pillow to the side. He looks at it with a frown. “I’m really okay.”

“The practitioner said she would have your tincture ready later this afternoon. Do you want to try out the dry spa today to help relax?” His hands move up my thighs and around my back. Heavy fingers knead my low back while he looks at me with the most caring and guilty grey eyes.

“Yeah, it sounds great,” I sigh as muscles begin to heat and relax. “Are we still gonna have breakfast?”

“Of course.”

Ma’xon scoops me up and carries me bridal style toward the bathroom. I breathe in the scent of his new body wash, the one that smells like sweet rillin. He changed just for me. I kiss his chest and the lights turn up as he sets me on the counter. There are more human things here now because space hasn’t fully evolved past the more mundane parts of existence.

We still brush our teeth, I still get the occasional zit, and he still moisturises his gills so they don’t chafe. I like it though. There is a vulnerability to having to maintain our bodies together. I like seeing all these parts of us mesh together.

I also like watching my mate bend over.

There is so much back muscularity to watch that it’s easy to get lost in him. They shift and flex as he grabs hold of the side to stay out of the stream of water. Ma’xon is well packed, and all that hard muscle he’s got is safely protected with the perfect amount of cushion for me.

His tail is thick too. Though I’d never expected to have a thing for it before, how sexy his tail is pops into my head on the regular now. Like how hot I find the girth and length of his tail or how I want to lick the top fin from base to tip like I would his dick.

Is it weird that I’ve checked out other Axilarian’s tails? Probably, but it’s mostly out of a desire to know if they are all thesame. They aren’t. Like people, they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

Ma’xon’s is the best.

And according to Pri’za, who got a little drunk at our first family dinner all together, you can tell a lot about someone’s bedroom prowess based on their tail. So I assume like feet size, it means nothing. I just know I’m hot for my mate’s tail and seeing him lose control of it when he comes is one of my favourite things.

I’m so lost in my tail fantasy, I miss him walking over to me. He tucks a finger under my chin until I’m looking up at him. Heat rushes to my cheeks.

“Is this a hot flash?” he asks with complete seriousness.

“No.” I smirk. “Just fantasising.”

“About what?”

If I’ve learned anything about Ma’xon, it’s that he makes dreams come true. Not even just for me. My mate is a giver through and through. If there is something his people want and dream about, he does whatever he can to make it happen. Which I suppose is why, despite telling me he’s retired, he still meets with his local business bureau people for ‘meetings’, which I think is just code to play golf or the Axilarian version of that.

“About you.” I smile, but when I move to jump off the counter a waterfall sensation goes through me and I want to die. “I’m gonna save this for after my period, so expect a business call from me.”

“Sex is business for you, pup?” He steps back just enough to grab the edge of my shirt to peel it off me. The air on my skin feels like heaven. Maybe Iamhaving a hot flash.

“Oh, super serious, Daddy. One of us will have to take minutes,” I tease. This is a dumb conversation to be having with blood dripping down my thigh, but I’m not thinking about my cramps right now and that’s what matters.

And more importantly, I like being silly with Ma’xon. I like being able to play and him still finding me sexy and smart and shit. It’s been oddly freeing, allowing myself to just speak and not think too hard about it.

“Should I clear my schedule? Plan a breakout session after the meeting? Order catering?” He keeps undressing me but I am now fully distracted by the idea of filling the void inside me with spicy noodles.

“Oh,” I draw out. “Let’s get dinner from that noodle bar place.”

He kisses me, hands swallowing either side of my face like I’ve got blinders on. There isn’t anything else I’d rather see in my view than my shark daddy. Feeling surrounded by Ma’xon until we are meshed together completely is all I want.

While I have never been to a spa before being abducted, the vibes at the dry spa are exactly like what movies show. It’s all very serene and there is one of those rock gardens in the foyer. The attendant at the door is calm and polite, with shining rings hanging from her pierced dorsal fin. Ma’xon hands me his card with a kiss on the top of my head before he dashes out for his meeting.

Guess I will be treating myself all alone then. Really, it’s much more fun to do this sort of luxury activity, or any activity, with him. Spending his money isn’t the kind of spoiling I crave. I want to be spoiled with his intentions, his actions. Handing me a debit card and running away is not it.

At the front desk is a screen that shows off all the services, and it’s overwhelming. There are things I understand, like a back massage, but then there are things like a full body excretion that sounds too gross to be real.

“What do you recommend? I need to fill most of the day.” I look up at the attendant and her eyes sparkle.

“Have you ever been to a dry spa?” I shake my head at her. “Then you’re about to see Sur’lax.”

She books me into a full body service. Unlike earth spas, which I always think of as being steam filled and laden with moisturising cream. Dry spas on Axilaria are filled with scrubs and massages that remove all that excess humidity and build-up in the body after being on this planet for any amount of time. Of the few people I see between services, they are mostly humans with a couple of aliens I haven’t seen before.