“Is that good, Daddy?” she whimpers, breathing heavily. “Are you gonna come inside me?”

My hearts stop. She throws her ass back one more time and I explode. Like she can feel me spilling my soul into her body, she bears down hard on my cocks to lock us together. My tail thrashes, splashing the both of us. Odette’s little laugh makes her clench harder, and my cocks dribble out more cum until at last, I am emptied.

It takes a moment for me to realise what I’ve done. The euphoria of being completely inside my mate overwhelms me until my cocks have softened inside her. She hasn’t moved, theyare still tucked neatly into each of her holes. Her finger petting my chest brings me back to my senses.

“You didn’t—”

She stops me with a kiss.

“Sorry, pup,” I whisper anyway.

“No apologies.” She frowns at me, cupping my cheek like I had her. “Sex isn’t about keeping score for one. And for two, I’m getting sore on my knees and wanna change location to bed.”

I hug Odette. All the muscles in my body feel loose and are buzzing with the chemical release that comes with an orgasm. She kisses my shoulder and neck while we cuddle. This is what it means to have found a mate, I realise. This warmth that fills my chest and weight that is lifted off my shoulders just by being near her. She doesn’t need to do anything, but be herself and already she has stolen my hearts.

Carefully, so my cocks stay snug inside her, I carry us out of the pool. My own knees wobble when I am on the deck again and she giggles at me. I can’t see her swim bottoms anywhere in the water, so I will have to hunt them down in the morning.

“Hold tight,” I say, right before I bend over to grab our stuff.

She makes a quiet noise of surprise but holds the towel and pile of clothes I give her. I try to close up the pool quickly. For good measure, I fish out a cleaning tablet and hand the puck to Odette.

“Toss it in and see what happens.”

She lobs it, barely making it over the edge with her hands full, but it works. The water begins to boil, turning a neon green colour. Then in a blink it’s back to normal.

“Damn, that cleaned the whole pool?”

“Yup,” I say, flicking switches to finish shutting it all down.

“Heckon space, man,” she mutters, but the lazy grin on her face tells me she isn’t the least put out like she was my pants.

“Heckon space.”

Chapter 11


Time flies when you’rehaving fun. It also goes by at the speed of light when you no longer have to keep track of what day it is. I’ve convinced my body that I no longer have to wake up early and be stressed. Teaching my brain is taking a bit longer, but it’s a work in progress. If it weren’t for waking up with my period today, I’m not sure I ever would have realised it had been nearly a month since I came to Axilaria.

Light streams through the loose weave curtains, the breeze causes the red flowers—Ialots— wrapping around the beams overhead to rustle, and a cramp that could topple an empire seizes my lower tummy. As I tuck my legs into a foetal position, I can feel the mess in my pyjamas. Living in my dream fantasy world never included this aspect of reality. I take a few deep breaths, cycle breathing through the pain, but it doesn’t help. This definitely proves humans can’t mate outside of their species. That fear lasted all of two seconds after the frenzy, butyou never know. I could have been the next virgin Mary. Of space.

I squeeze the blob shaped pillow tighter into my chest. Another tragedy of Axilaria, there are no stuffed animals. Kids just don’t have them apparently, and despite great expeditions around the shopping district, nothing is the same. Marbles is the thing that I miss most about Earth. He wasn’t the prettiest teddy bear these days, but he never let me down.

“Morning, pup.” Ma’xon kisses my forehead, but he doesn’t linger in bed. “I’ve got a meeting in few, but I want to have breakfast.”

And increasingly often, my giant shark man has been getting out of bed earlier and earlier formeetings. So there is nothing for me to cuddle on while I try to wake up.

“Kill me,” I grumble, burying my face in the subpar pillow.

There is a beat of silence before I hear it. Ma’xon takes a deep breath and I know his cute little nostril slits flutter a little. He pulls the sheet from my body and I don’t even react. That’s how bad the cramp is.

“I'm calling the practitioner,” he says. This is the most urgent I think he’s ever sounded.

And to be perfectly honest, some space drugs would be great right now to relieve this pain. Then he’s gone for a few minutes. I can hear his tail knocking against the hallway, but not the actual words. He must be really agitated. Maybe this is the one thing he didn’t learn at the TRP mating school. Which would really be saying something because that place knows more about humans than most humans even know about themselves.

“Daddy,” I groan as I sit up. “I’m okay.”

“I’m pushing my meeting back,” he says, rushing back into the room to kneel in front of me. “What can I do to help?”