Page 4 of Go Lightly

I don’t know if this helps but I really liked your set but I’m mainly asking you out because I think you’re hot? In case you’re worried I only want you for your mind haha ah this is getting worse for me isn’t it.


Stuart Parkes


I’M NOT AN ACTOR. Sorry I just realised I said I was in a play and you might think I’m an actor. I wouldn’t respond to an actor either, disgusting people, can’t be trusted. Unless you are an actor? Oh shit. I was just in a play so I could hang out with my uni mates for the summer, we all graduated this year so sort of a last fling thing. Some of them actually are actors so I guess we can’t be friends any more now they’re doing it in the big world haaaaaaa. I’m unemployed actually, is that hot. I was a student and then I did this play all summer and I guess today is my first day of being unemployed, don’t get too turned on. I want to draw things for money but I accidentally did an English degree. I also smoke, that’s another thing.


Stuart Parkes


Lol this was stupid and I’m very embarrassed now. You can’t dump me, I’m dumping you!!! Sorry for being a fucking idiot, I really do think you’re talented. I also promise I don’t usually send so many messages in a row. It’s been a long month. But let’s pretend this never happened and you can keep being cool and I can cut myself off from the internet forever.


Stuart Parkes


OK, last one genuinely. When you were performing last night I thought of this song, I guess because it’s Australian like you (I checked with Lee, he’s suspicious now) and it’s just really restless and pretty. I can’t explain it better than that but I woke up with it in my head and then I sent you all this bullshit. I don’t do this, I promise, I’m fucking mortified. Anyway the song is called ‘Even Though I’m a Woman’. I did my gap year in Australia, I heard it then I guess. PLEASE IGNORE ALL THESE MESSAGES but it’s a banger.


Ada Highfield
