“Soup it is then. But you're cooking it.”
“Fine, I'll just go out and forage for something then.”
“Don't be stubborn, this is super easy, and I'll be right here every step of the way.”
It was easy to overlook the little things in life, like how to use a can opener.
When I handed her the can and told her to open it, she frowned down at it and sighed as she started looking around for something.
“What are you doing?”
“Looking for something to pry the can open like you asked.”
“Like the can opener?” I pointed to the electric one on the counter and then quickly showed her how to use it.
“I haven't had much practice with can openers. There aren't any at most of the places I’ve stayed.”
It hurt me to hear about her past, the way she'd lived, and all the horrible, lonely things she'd been through. I couldn't control any of that no matter how much I wished I could erase all the bad. All I could do was ensure she'd have a happy, safe future with me by her side.
“You got it!” I praised when she successfully opened the can. I didn't want to admit it, but sometimes can openers could be tricky. “Now, I'll just grab a pot and you can dump the whole can into it.”
“Easy enough so far,” she conceded.
I showed her how to turn the stove on and then instructed her to place the pot on top of the burner.
“Perfect. Now just watch it. You don't want to bring it to a full boil. We're just heating through. We don't want to burn it. Stir occasionally and that's it.”
She never took her eyes off the soup.
“Oh no. It's moving. What do I do?”
I tried not to laugh, but I couldn't help but smile.
She elbowed me in the gut. “Don’t laugh.”
I leaned over her and my arms wrapped around her. I still couldn't touch her, but I took the spoon from her and gave it a gentle stir.
Being this close to her, even if I wasn’t really holding her, felt like heaven.
“See how it's starting to bubble a little? We're just going to turn it down and let it simmer for a few minutes.”
“What's next?” she asked snuggling back against me and rubbing herself against me.
I chuckled. “Keep that up and we will burn the soup.”
She turned in my arms and reached up to pull my face down to hers as her lips sought mine.
It would be so easy to just lift her into my arms and carry her back to the bedroom, or the couch, or hell even the countertop. I growled in frustration as I nipped at her lips.
She pulled back to look up into my eyes.
“Are you okay? You're really growly today. Like more than usual.”
“No. I just want to hold you. I need to touch you and feel your skin under my palm. I can't begin to tell you how aggravating it is. Something so simple that most people probably take for granted, and here I am losing my shit over it.”
“Soon,” she whispered.
Soon couldn't come soon enough. I wasn't sure I could ever forgive Thomas for doing this to me.