“Eileen, you're going to traumatize the poor girl,” Dad argued. My baby sister had him wrapped around her little finger. To him she would always be his innocent little girl.
I preferred to think of her that way too.
“We found ways around that, Mom,” I blurted out.
Paige gasped and her cheeks turned bright red, but I just smiled proudly and winked at her when she finally dared to look my way.
“That's good, but it didn't help?”
“Didn't appear to. Looks like she might even have a stalker despite the order. Someone's been sneaking around here. He broke inyesterday, but Paige was out on a run. He ransacked the house and stole her favorite blanket but didn't appear to take anything else.
Dad growled. “What can we do to help? Do I need to setup a surveillance team to keep watch on the house? Because I can do that.”
“Ernest, stop being ridiculous. You don't know anything about that sort of stuff no matter how many crimes you read about or watch on the television.”
Dad fancied himself a true crime expert, and Mom was always busting his balls about it.
“I appreciate it, Dad, but James is already on it.”
As if just speaking his name manifested him, there was a knock at the door. When I answered it, James was standing there.
I shook my head. “How they hell did you do that? I was just about to explain that you were coming by to set up the camera system today.”
James shrugged. “Guess I'm just that good. I'm going to do it myself. I still don't trust my very unmated deputies to be here. Just in case. I'm not willing risk Paige's safety for even a second.”
“Need some help?” Dad asked.
James nodded. “Sure, Ernest. I would love some help.”
Dad's whole face brightened as he quickly got up, folded his paper back together, and went outside with James to get to work.
“Esme and I were just getting ready to start breakfast.”
“We were?” my sister whined.
“Yes, we were,” Mom’s voice left no room for argument. “Why don't you two go get cleaned up and dressed for the day while we get started.”
Paige looked confused as she looked down at what she was wearing and then back up to me. “Dressed for the day? We are dressed for the day.”
“You know, something of yours that’s not my brother's underwear.”
“But this is all I have,” she blurted out.
Mom whipped back around to face us.
“Where are your things?”
“Mom, she was living in her fur trying to get away from people while she was in heat. It lasts about a week of each month. She hadn't even realized she stumbled into Pack territory,” I explained based on what Paige had previously shared with me.
“But she's been here almost a week already from what the ladies at the salon were saying. Why haven't you taken care of you mate?”
I cringed at her accusation.
“We've been a little busy,” I started.
“Ugh! No more sex talk. Please!” Esme cried.
“Like I'd talk sex with you, brat-face. I meant with the attack, the Alpha order, the stalker. On top of all that I got promoted to ranch foreman and there's been a ton of shit to do. With the creeper coming around, I haven't been comfortable with her even leaving the house, let alone going into town shopping.”