Page 113 of His Wild Mate

“She’ll have the quads and Sean just a year ahead of her in school. Lilah and Carter aren't much older than them too. Hell, Austin's trying his best and Thomas probably already has Lily knocked up again,” James teased.

Thomas blanched. “Don't even say that. Four is perfect.”

“He's just worried that if she has another it'll be another girl, just like his father,” Wyatt said.

“What can I say? I'm destined to be surrounded by beautiful women.”

“It just sucks that you look at her and she's pregnant. And now Paige is too. They just met a few weeks ago. I've been trying to get Angel knocked up for months.”

“Life isn't always fair,” I reminded him.

“Wait, I thought you said she was the one obsessed with getting pregnant,” Clay pointed out.

“She is. I'm just saying, we've been trying.”

Right on cue, his phone alarm went off. He grinned sheepishly. “Gotta round up my woman. It’s time to try to catch up to you fertile fools.”

The girls rejoined us before he had a chance to escape. I couldn't help but notice how happy and relaxed Paige looked. It was like she'd always been a part of us, and I struggled to even remember life before her.

“I was just about to come find you. It's time to go.”

Angel rolled her eyes. “Again? Can't we just enjoy hanging out with our friends for a bit?”

Austin frowned. “It's official. Paige is knocked up by that asshole over there. We have to keep up.”

She squealed and turned to my mate for confirmation.

Paige grinned and nodded. “Terrifying but true.”

Angel threw her arms around her and hugged her tightly.

“Our babies are going to be close in age.”

“Wait,ourbabies?” Austin said.

Angel bit her lip and nodded.

“You're pregnant?”

“Sixteen weeks and starting to show. I wasn't going to be able to hide it much longer anyway.”

“Sixteen weeks? Why didn't you tell me?”

She blushed and grinned back at him.

“Because you've been so obsessed about getting me pregnant, and I was super horny during the first trimester. If I told you, you'd have stopped trying to have sex with me four or more times a day.”

I burst out laughing. And the guys started harassing him about it too.

“Sure, Angel was obsessed with having a baby,” Clay teased him.

“Four times a day, or more? Geez Austin, give the girl a break already. You're an animal,” Kate said with a laugh.

“If I was getting sex that often, I wouldn't admit success either,” Winnie added.

The bulk of the torment immediately shifted from Austin to Clay.

“Just wait, you won't be getting it much either when your kid arrives,” he insisted.