Page 96 of Shiny Things

I groaned. “Don’t remind me.”

“I mean, I wouldn’t even vote for you.”

“That’s okay. I never voted for you either, Mr. Mayor.”


Chapter 25

For the last week, I’d barely left the apartment. Andrew had helped Elias and his brothers pack up and move my house. Most of it was still in the empty storage room, but each day I tried to go through at least one box. The thing was, I loved Eli’s taste in stuff. Most of my things were secondhand. I had a few things that had special meaning to me, but the majority of it was just practical stuff.

I didn’t need it anymore. So I picked through the things I wanted to keep and asked Andrew to pick up the rest to take to the donation center. It was rare that furniture and nice things showed up there to pass along to someone else. I knew I could get a decent amount for a lot of it. I had a knack for restorations. But I felt called to just donate everything.

When Elias came home and noticed one day, I explained to him why. I hated that people would inevitably think of me as a gold digger. But I knew the truth and so did he. That had to be enough.

“It’s more than enough, baby.”

I sighed. I loved him, but he didn’t really get it either.

“So you’re okay if I donate most of my things?”

“Absolutely. And whatever you don’t like of the things already here, donate those too and we’ll pick out something that works for both of us.”



“Good, because I hate the dining table. I liked having our family over, and it’s just too small for that. And mine is definitely too small.”

His brow furrowed but not like he was mad, just like he was thinking really hard about it.

“I like the size. It doesn’t take up too much space for everyday use. But I get what you’re saying. What do you think of something with expansion panels so we can keep it smaller most of the time, but when we entertain, we can make it big enough for everyone.”

“I love that idea.”

“See, we’ve got this. It’ll be fun even. And that brings up something else. I think I want to add an office. I know I’ve been at the office a lot this week with Westin Force in town, but in general, I prefer to work from here. A lot of time that means online meetings, so having a private space so I’m not aways disturbing you will be a good thing.”

“You could never disturb me,” I said, but I didn’t really believe it. Things were great now, and we were still in that honeymoon phase, wanting to spend every second we could together, I wasn’t naïve enough to believe that would last forever. I was used to having my space too, and eventually, that need for some me time would resurface. “But maybe that’s a good idea,” I finally agreed.

“Is there a space you’d like for yourself?”

I considered that for a moment.

“I’ve always wanted a sitting room. There’s just something so cozy and elegant about it. Gia and I could hang out there, and when I want to read or just have some space, I could hide away there.”

“That’s fair, as long as you don’t make it a habit to try and hide from me.”

He wrapped me in his arms and kissed me.

I sighed, finding it hard to believe that this will ever get old or that a time will come that my heart won’t race when he pulls me in close.

“I’ll put that on the list and sit down with my contractor to sketch out a few more things, like a guest room and maybe a nursery.”

“A what?” I asked in shock.

He laughed at me. “Kim, there is no way you don’t want kids. You love family.”

“Of course I want kids, eventually. Not right away. I selfishly just want you right now.”