“I have it noted here that Kimberly Grimes was the intended victim. Is that your mate, Elias?” Silas asked.
“She is,” I confirmed proudly.
This caused a bit of a stir throughout the Council. Even though I’d mentioned my mate several times throughout themorning, they only seemed to connect the dots once Silas pointed it out, family excluded of course.
“I’d like to speak with her. Is that something you could arrange?”
I nodded. I hated dragging her back into it all, but I knew it was important.
“I’ll take you to her once we adjourn here.”
“Why don’t you take Lachlan along as well?” Michael offered.
“And before I leave, can I see your powers, Elias? You mentioned something about blowing stuff up?” Baine inquired, making a few of the others groan.
“I’d really love to see that too,” Tucker confessed.
“Fine, but I want to be there with Kim during the interrogation first.”
“It’s not an interrogation,” Lachlan assured me.
“We can go ahead and adjourn for now,” Dad told the room. “I’m sure Elias is anxious to put this behind him.”
“Follow me,” I told Silas.
We left and they piled into a vehicle and followed me back to my apartment. No one really spoke, and while I had called Gia to give her a quick heads up, Kim had been in the shower with no way for me to warn her.
When we got to the apartment, Gia smiled and welcomed them like old friends. She and David had kept in touch with some of the wolves over the years, but I hadn’t realized to what extent until she was asking Ben how his kids were doing. It made me think that maybe I needed to keep a closer eye out on my little sister.
“I’ll go get her. Just make yourselves at home.”
I let myself into the bedroom and closed the door behind me.
“You’re back. I missed you this morning. It’s a big bed to wake up alone in.”
“I’m sorry. I promise I won’t make a habit of it.”
She was wrapped in a towel with her hair still dripping from her shower. I wanted nothing more than to forget about the Collector and Westin Force and Joe Montgomery and everything else in the world and just focus on my mate.
But the sounds of male voices in the next room started to freak her out.
I sighed. “Do you know who Westin Force is?”
“Yes. Gia’s told me about them.”
“Good. Because they sent two units in to investigate and help us secure Ravenden to ensure nothing like what happened to you happens to any other ravens here. They need to talk to you though.”
“Will you be there?” she asked, a little calmer than I expected.
“The whole time.”
“Okay. Let me get dressed and then we’ll get this over with. The sooner it’s done, the faster I can put this nightmare behind me.”
I nodded and pulled her into my arms. I didn’t even care that she was making my shirt wet. It was just another reason of many why I wore black all the time. It doesn’t show when I get wet.
She squirmed to get away.
“Just let me hold you for a minute. Leaving you for that stupid meeting was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I need you so badly, Kim.”