It had been the longest, craziest day of my life. Why shouldn’t it end with Helena Davenport chauffeuring me to her son’s apartment to spend the night?
A hysterical laugh threatened to bubble out of me, and I knew at some point soon I was going to have an all-out ugly cry to set these emotions free.
It was strange sliding into the passenger seat next to his mother. It was only a short drive over to the apartment, and I didn’t really expect us to talk, but tonight, she seemed determined to destroy any expectations I may have had.
“I’m glad you and Elias found each other,” she told me, surprising me further when she reached over and squeezed my hand.
“You are?”
“I am. I was surprised and caught off guard, I know. But a true mate is something to be celebrated. It’s supposed to be a happy time. I hope I didn’t ruin it entirely for you. I promise to try and do better in the future.”
“So you’re saying he’s not forbidden to see me now?”
She groaned. “That son of mine does whatever the hell he wants anyway, always has. So it really doesn’t matter what I say about it.”
“It matters to me.”
She smiled as we pulled into the parking garage under his building.
“I appreciate that, Kim. I don’t think I deserve it, but I do appreciate it. It’s not going to be easy for you.”
“I’m a Grimes, remember? When has life ever been easy for me. But I think he’s worth it.”
“I know he is. I’ll check on you tomorrow, or today, whatever, later. Go on in and get some sleep.”
“Thank you,” I whispered.
Elias opened the door for me and held out his hand. I took it and let him lead me inside and upstairs. As we walked through the door, I had an uncanny revelation. Home. I was truly home.
“I’m not sure I can ever truly be comfortable or feel safe in my house again after today.”
“Good. I was really hoping I could convince you to move in here instead.”
“I don’t think we’re supposed to make decisions after a traumatic incident like that.”
“In this case it’s fine. I’ll get my brothers to meet me over there and start moving your things over this afternoon. I’m just sorry I didn’t think to pack a bag for you tonight.”
I blushed furiously.
“What’s that look for?”
“I sort of already moved a bag in. It’s in the empty closet. I know I should have asked first, but . . .”
He kissed me silent.
“That was always meant to be your closet anyway.”
I sighed. “Okay. Then take me to bed. I’m exhausted. And just so we’re clear, that’s not a code word for sex. I can barely keep my eyes open.”
Chapter 22
Leaving Kim asleep in my bed was one of the hardest things I’d ever done. I was already counting down the seconds until I could go home to her. And I’d only been able to leave because Gia had agreed to come over and stay with her. David had a meeting with the builder who was fixing the kitchen at the diner anyway, so she was free.
“What’s this all about?” I asked impatiently.
“First, how’s my daughter?” Clarence asked.