Page 80 of Shiny Things

“Isn’t this her home?”

“Yes, but I meant my apartment. I can’t stand the idea of her being alone here for even a second after this.”

“It’s a cute place, but I fully agree. After today, she needs to be situated more in town or at the house where security and protection are already in place.”

I groaned and stretched. “What time is it?”

“A little after midnight.”

“That’s it?”

“Afraid so. How are you feeling?”

“My head aches, like I have a hangover.”

“Pretty sure that’s accurate.”

“I’ll get some water.”

Slowly I opened my eyes to find Elias standing over me. I scooted back so he could sit. He did then reached over and brushed my hair away from my face.

“The doctor’s been by three times to check on you. Pretty sure he’ll insist on giving Mom a sedative if she calls him again tonight. He said you might sleep off and on for the next few days.”

“Days?” I frowned.

“Whatever it takes to fully recover,” he insisted then leaned down to kiss me.

“Wait, is your mother here or did I dream that?”

“She’s here.”

“Why? She hates me. I think she’d have been thrilled if they’d taken me.”

“Ridiculous,” she said walking in from the kitchen with a big cup of water. “I’d have definitely been the wicked witch in that story. At least now I get a chance at redemption.”

I scoffed. “Is that really what you want? I rather thought you enjoyed being a witch. Witch, bitch, whatever. You know what I mean.” I gasped. “Did I just say that out loud?”

“It’s fine, dear. I deserved it. But yes, that is what I want. I didn’t exactly handle things well the last time.”

“I forbid it. I believe those were your exact words.”

She shifted in her seat uncomfortably.

“Yes, well, things have changed.”

“So soon?”

I didn’t know what was wrong with me. My tongue was loose as a goose, and I couldn’t seem to stop saying things before engaging my brain to discern if I should say them.

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. You’re absolutely right. I was horrible to you, Kim, and I’m sorry. There I said it. We shall speak of this no more.”

“No, I think I need to hear it once more first.”

Helena groaned. “Fine. I’m sorry, Kim. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. We are family after all.”

“We are? Did I pass out and hit my head or something?”