“They said the bird was shot out of the sky, so be careful.”
“You too. We’re coming.”
I shoved the phone back into my pocket and drove as fast as I could.
Please let her be there. Safe and sound. Completely oblivious to what’s happening.
But I had a sick feeling in my gut.
As I rounded the corner, I saw two cars in front of her house and I slowed. Grateful it was daylight, I channeled my inner raven’s eyesight and homed in on the men there. Three of them. When I realized one of them was Joe Montgomery, I thought I was going to be sick.
Trying to act rational, I called Dad back with the update then snapped a picture as best as I could and texted it along with her address to the remaining Council.
One of the strangers held up a net with a raven ensnared in it. I leaned over and threw up. That was Kim. It had to be. She was likely the one that had sounded the alarm as well as the one shot from the sky. If she got into that car, there was a chance I’d never see her again.
I was about to make my move when the car door opened and a young woman stepped out. That’s when I saw the Collector. There was no mistaking him. He reached in and pulled Kim’s bird out and then shook her until she woke.
I was gutted with relief. She was alive.
Dad and my brothers pulled up and stopped when they saw me. I filled them in on what was happening.
Suddenly Kim shifted back into her skin.
A guttural kraal escaped me as she stood before them naked and vulnerable.
I shifted and took off, but in midair froze as I saw the girl hold up her hand as Kim screamed. Water poured through her like she was unable to control her powers. Kim never used her powers unless it was an absolute emergency. That girl had to somehow be forcing her.
“We’re right behind you, brother,” Dean said as he ran by, leapt into the air and shifted.
He and Ryan flew faster than I’d ever seen them right into the tires of the Collector’s car. One into the back and one into the front. While I headed straight for my mate.
Joe screamed when he saw us and tried to hide behind the front of his car. I circled in the air and took a shit.
It landed right on his head, the ultimate sign of disrespect amongst raven shifters.
I was going to perch on Kim’s shoulder but heard the girl yell “Shift” and suddenly, I was human again and falling to the ground. I rolled on the concrete, tearing up my skin, but luckily it didn’t seem to be anything too serious.
“Elias,” Kim cried. “Run!”
I did, but not away from her. Instead, I ran right to her.
The girl held up both hands in the air and yelled, “Powers!”
“Oh no,” Kim cried as water shot from her once more.
I could feel my own powers surface, pulling electricity from all around me.
“Powers!” the girl yelled again holding her hand up towards me.
“You said all ravens were witches. Why isn’t it working?” the Collector demanded.
“I don’t know. This has never happened before,” she said as she looked at her hand and then held it back to me.