In general, I liked being right but not about this.
“Hey are you okay?” Gia asked causing me to jump.
“Jesus! You guys are determined to give me a heart attack tonight, aren’t you?”
“What are you doing here, G?” her brother asked.
“Sorry. I just needed to see for myself that she’s okay. You left your car there, Kim. Scared the shit out of us. David drove itover to your place and then we flew here. I guessed this is where you’d be.”
She flopped down on the couch and made herself at home. David joined her. So much for me getting to sleep anytime soon.
“Are you okay?” she asked me again.
I went to the fridge and grabbed a handful of beers, offering them each one.
Elias went and changed into black sweatpants and a black T-shirt before joining us. He looked hot and cozy. I loved Gia and David, but I desperately wanted them to leave.
“She’s fine,” he insisted on my behalf.
“I really am. But what happened after I left?”
“They actually helped us clean up and then we sat down for a real conversation. Gia told them that she wouldn’t tolerate her employees being sexually harassed on the job, not even for them.”
“Honestly, I think they felt bad about it,” Gia said.
“Good,” Elias growled. “I wasn’t kidding when I said I’d peck his eyes out if he laid another hand on her.”
“You did what?” I asked.
“Why do you think he tore out of there so fast he nearly pissed himself?”
I groaned. “Elias, you cannot go around threatening every single person who treats me poorly. Trust me, that would be a full-time job and waste of your time.”
“I sure as hell wouldn’t let someone act that way towards my sister, so why would you think I’d just sit by and let it happen to you? Babe, come on. You’re my everything. No one touches you and gets away with it.”
“Aw, see, he can be sweet when he wants to be,” Gia teased.
Elias picked up a pillow and threw it at her face.
“Dude, that goes for me too. It’s been a long day, don’t make me kick your ass. You already know you don’t stand a chance.”
“Because you cheat. No powers and I’d win hands down.”
David shrugged. “What’s the point of having powers if you can’t use them?”
It dawned on me that I really didn’t know what Elias’s powers were and made a mental note to ask him later.
“Not all witchy powers are as cool as yours though. Eli’s right. It’s not fair. Last time they went at it, Eli pulled back to throw a punch, and David shifted into our mother. Needless to say, E pulled back and my man punched and won.”
“He cheated,” my mate insisted.
“You didn’t say no powers,” David taunted him.
“It was a little disconcerting,” Gia agreed.
“I swore I wouldn’t do it again, so you’re safe for now. Can’t promise I won’t duplicate Kim next time though.”
Unlike most ravens who fell into specific categories based on family line, for instance, all Grimes witches could yield some form of water, David was a mimic. He could duplicate just about anything or anyone. It’s a little creepy at times.