A smile tipped the corner of my lips without my permission.
“Oh my God. Oh my God! He was right all this time?”
“Ugh. I’m never going to live that one down.”
“Stop messing with me. Girl, I need to hear it from your own lips. Is Elias your true mate or not?”
I rolled my eyes. “He is, but can we please not make a big deal out of this. I’m not ready for the whole Congress to know.”
I really didn’t know how Gia would react to our news, and part of me feared she would be disgusted on account of me being a Grimes.
Instead, she squealed at the top of her lungs and tackled me in the biggest hug ever.
“You’re happy about this?” I asked, confused since I had been bracing for a negative reaction.
“Are you kidding me? My brother lights up the second you walk in the room. No one could make him happier. Plus, I’mgetting a sister I already love. I am so happy for you guys. Wait.” She pulled back to really look at me. “Are you happy about this? Are you going to accept him? Because if you’re going to reject him and break his heart, I’m going to be forced to kick your ass.”
“I’m a bit nervous about how others will react to us, but I’m not going to reject him. I’m not even sure I could, if I’m being honest.”
David grinned. “True mates definitely produce a bond like no other. I’m going to check on the meat and leave you two to your girl talk. But Kim, seriously, congratulations and welcome to the family. If they can accept a literal nobody with no known past like me, then you’re going to do just fine in this family.”
“Thanks David. I really appreciate hearing that right now. Because of what happened this morning, I wasn’t sure that would ever be the case. Now, I’m not sure.”
Gia snorted. “She’s always different when Ryan’s around. He is the favorite after all.”
Chapter 14
“Ryan, how did it go at Mom’s?”
“All good. Hard to believe, but she even apologized to your girl.”
“Yup. I’d never really talked to Kim much before and don’t really know her, but she seems really great, E. I’m happy for the both of you.”
He shook my hand and clapped my arm as he left to go to a meeting.
I had a bit of paperwork to do, but after finishing that up I had the rest of the day off. I considered my options with a grin then grabbed my helmet and left, riding my motorcycle straight to Gia’s place.
The two women were laughing on the couch when I let myself in.
“Hard at work, I see.”
I wasn’t sure if she’d told Gia or not, so I didn’t know what to say or how to explain my sudden appearance. I certainly hadn’t thought things through when I decided to come here. I just knew I had to see my mate.
As if reading my mind, Kim patted the cushion next to her, inviting me to join them.
“She knows,” she confessed.
“I just can’t believe you told Ryan first.”
“I didn’t exactly have a choice in that. Blame Dean.”
“Dean knows too?” Gia asked with a pout.
I shrugged. “Hell if I know. I didn’t tell him, but he did sic Ryan on me for making out in the driveway.”