Page 33 of Shiny Things

“Pops! Elias Davenport is here to talk to you. Something from the Council.”

An older man walked into the room. He was tall with broad shoulders and just a touch of gray at the temples in his otherwise black hair.

“Mr. Davenport. To what do I owe this honor?”

I instantly felt at ease with Clarence Grimes, and I liked the man immensely.

“Mr. Grimes, I have an offer for you.”

“An offer from the Council? Take a seat. I’ll admit, I’m intrigued.”

“I’ve been working with the Congress Council for several months now. Recently I’ve raised some concerns.”

“On what?”

“The fact that there are seven prominent families in Ravenden yet only five are represented on the Council.”

Clarence had a twinkle in his eyes as he chuckled. “Give ‘em hell, son, but I doubt I’ll live to see the day the Grimes family is represented there.”

“You never know, Pops. With younger, more open, and idealistic members, maybe someday.”

“Andrew, don’t be ridiculous.”

“Sir, that day is today. Reese Caldwell pushed the motion and while it wasn’t unanimous, it was close. Both the Pierce and Grimes Flocks will have representation on the Congress Council going forward. There are more forward thinkers then you know. And that’s why I’m here.

“We’re in mid council right now. Instead of opening up for elections, it was agreed to appoint a representative for the interim. You were unanimously voted by the Council as the first choice for interim representation of the Grimes Flock. All you have to do is accept, sir.”

“You’re serious?” Andrew asked.

“Completely serious. This is happening, and I hope you’ll agree to be a part of it.”

“Me? They want me? Why?”

“I assure you, I don’t know.” I chuckled. “I wish I had some great story or reason for you. But I’m just the messenger on this. I don’t actually sit on the Council, my father does. I’m just working for them.”

“I know your father, Edward Davenport. He’s a very generous man. Without him we wouldn’t have the funding for half the things we need at the fire station.”

“I didn’t know that, yet it doesn’t entirely surprise me either. So, will you do it?”

“Dad, you have to. This is huge.”

“Okay,” he said, standing and offering me his hand.

I rose and took it.

We were shaking on it when the door opened, and Kim walked in.

I couldn’t help but smile, although I had no idea what she was doing there.

Unfortunately she didn’t look as happy to see me.

“Seriously? I told you I wasn’t ready, and you what? Show up at my father’s house to make some deal for me? What’s the asking rate for a mate these days?” she yelled.

“What the hell are you talking about? Ignore her, please. Clearly she’s high on something,” Andrew said as he tried to block Kim from my view.

“I didn’t. I . . . Clarence is your father?”

Kim stepped around her brother and crossed her arms over her chest as she glared at me.