David was there desperately trying to put out a fire. It looked as though someone had caught a rag on fire and it had spread, sending everything in its path up in flames.
“Turn on the sink!” I yelled at him.
“It won’t help. The sprayer is worthless. I already tried.”
“Just do it.”
The smoke was growing thicker, making my eyes burn. I could hear the sirens in the distance. Fire trucks were coming, but at this rate everything could burn first. There was no way I was letting that happen.
“Turn on the water, now!” I yelled.
This time, David listened, though I was pretty sure he was muttering something under his breath the whole time.
The cop in the front room must have heard me and came running in.
“I need you both to evacuate this instant. Help is on the way. There’s nothing we can do.”
“Like hell we can’t,” I said.
I closed my eyes and held out my left hand, calling the water from the faucet to me. When I felt the familiar ripple of awareness as it reached my fingers, I pulled the water through my body and concentrated it out my right hand in a solid, forceful stream aimed right at the fire.
It wasn’t enough.
More,I told myself, concentrating harder than ever.
Water shot out of me, dousing the fire and smoldering the flames.
“It’s working!” David cheered. “Kim, you’re doing it.”
My body started to shake, and my head pounded. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold on. It had been a long time since I last used my powers. I wasn’t conditioned for this and didn’t know how much longer I could sustain it.
Just when I thought I couldn’t hold on even a second longer, the door burst open and firemen entered. One nodded to me as he doused the remainder of the fire.
I let go of my powers, grabbing the edge of the counter to steady myself.
David ran to my side to check on me.
“You can turn off the water now,” I told him.
I was numb, sort of like going into shock. Some things I was vividly aware of around me and others I couldn’t comprehend at all.
The room started to spin, but strong arms caught me.
“Relax, cuz. I got you. It’s over now. You did good. Barely saved any of the fun for us.”
My eyes fluttered open as I looked up into warm brown eyes as he pulled off his headgear.
“Dan,” I mumbled in a voice that sounded far away.
“Well, I see the smoke didn’t get you too bad if you can remember your favorite cousin.” He grinned down at me. “But I’ve still got to require you get checked out.”
I groaned. “That isn’t necessary. I’m fine.”
“You nearly passed out.”
“That’s because I overused my powers, not from the smoke and stuff.”
“When are you going to give up your job here and finally come and join us at the fire department?”