My flight was sporadic, and I was growing more weary by the second. Every few feet I felt myself drop a little lower.
I called out again, and again as I kept flight in a fight for my life.
At last, I heard a response. Help was on the way.
My heart lightened and I pushed myself even harder.
I could clearly see Eli’s apartment just ahead. I was going to make it. A small flock of ravens took to the air heading in my direction.
Relief filled me. I was going to be okay.
The crack of gunfire pierced the air but by the time it registered to my ears, it was too late. The bullet pierced my right wing this time and I found myself falling towards the ground.
This was it. My life was over, but at least I’d died fighting and I’d been able to warn the others. I could go in peace knowing that I likely saved another. I couldn’t let myself think of Elias though. I knew how devastated he would be, but maybe it wasfor the best. Now he wouldn’t have to choose between me and his family.
The ground grew closer and closer, but at the last second, a net snatched me from the air.
“Got her, boss. No thanks to you, asshole,” the man said to Joe.
“Just make sure that little bitch doesn’t ever come back here again.”
Those were the last words I heard before everything went black.
Chapter 20
I hated watching Kim walk away. I should have followed her, but I also understood why she was choosing to leave. I’d been wrong to bring her here.
I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at my mother.
“I never thought I’d say it, but I’m really disappointed in you right now. She’s my mate, Mother. Would it kill you to put your ridiculous prejudices aside for five seconds and, I don’t know, actually be happy for me?”
“You’re disappointed in me? Elias, she’s a Grimes.”
“And I love her, Mom. That’s not going to change just because you don’t like it. So the ball’s in your court because I choose her. She makes me happier than I ever dreamed possible. So you can either get on board with it or you’re going to lose me, because I will not have my mate disrespected like that. Dad taught me better than that. Nothing’s more important than family.”
“Family, yes. Blood, Elias.”
“No Mom, family. Kim’s my family, just like when Dad took you as a mate you because you’re his family, not blood,family.”
Her jaw dropped open and then closed again.
“He’s not wrong, dear. You were extremely rude and disrespectful to our son’s mate.”
“But she’s a Grimes,” she whined, though I could already feel the fight fleeing her.
“She’s his true mate and she makes him happy. Isn’t that what you said you wished for each of our children?”
She sighed. “Don’t throw my words back in my face. I never dreamed she’d be a Grimes.”
“At least you know where she comes from. She comes from a highly respected family, Mom. Give her a chance.”
“She’s a Grimes, sweetie. There’s no such thing as a highly respected Grimes.”
“Actually, her father is on the Congress Council now, just like Dad,” I argued.
“I know.”