Page 97 of Just a Stranger

Jude led us around Coyote Ridge, pointing out the highlights and shortcomings with brutal honesty. The ranch wasn’t as big as Blue Star, but once the young vines started producing, its vineyard would yield about twice as much wine. The main house was smaller and less fancy than my brother’s place but, like the tasting room, was new and modern. My only complaint was a fuchsia accent wall in the living room that made my eyes hurt looking at it.

Jude took us by ATV to the far side of the property where there was a second entrance from the main road for the half a dozen luxury cabins. The campsite area had a community fire pit and BBQ area that looked like the perfect place to pop open a beer and hang out with friends.

Between the chic cabins and the gorgeous tasting room, I was already planning a marketing strategy to appeal to upscale brides who wanted small but elegant Hill Country weddings. The picture ops at Coyote Ridge were spectacular, with river viewsand elevations that offered breathtaking vistas. Sunset weddings here would be insane.

As we hiked around the property, Atley asked probing questions and looked at everything from the infrastructure to the animals with a critical eye. His inspection of the property and its assets was beyond my knowledge. The additional information he asked Jude to get was further proof of how well-suited he was for this life. His decades of experience as a ranch manager made him the perfect buyer. I shouldn’t have worried.

He was in his element. Not going to lie. Competency was damn sexy.

“If you have any other questions, let me know. I’ll send this list over to the seller’s agent today.” Jude tapped the roof of his car with a legal pad full of Atley’s questions.

“I’m eager to hear their answers.” Atley extended his hand to shake. Jude pulled him in for a man hug with a hard back slap.

“Rae, always lovely to see you.” Jude kissed my cheek, got in his BMW, and left.

“So, what do you think?” Atley and I walked toward the tasting room’s large, covered patio that overlooked the vines.

“Me? I’m not buying. You are.”

“Do you see potential here to make it like Blue Star?”

“You want events and people here? At your place?” I asked carefully, not wanting to trip on a landmine.

“Yes. A brilliant woman showed me that there’s a right way to tell the story of a ranch and turn tourists into customers who understand how precious this way of life is. Preservation vs exploitation.”

My heart beat double time at all the compliments he’d crammed into those sentences.

“This is a different kind of place than Blue Star; it will lend itself to smaller events. And the cabins are incredible.” I tried tosound like I was in a strategy meeting and not gushing over the ranch.

“And what about the house?” He stopped walking and turned so we faced each other.

The house wasn’t part of the business.

“Atley, what are you asking me?” I pressed an unsteady hand over my pounding heart.

“For today, I’m only asking if you like the house. Don’t freak out on me.”

“Freak out?” My tone was too high and breathless… I was absolutely panicking.

“You look ready to faint.” He rested his hands on my shoulders, giving them a soft squeeze.

“We haven’t known each other very long.”

“About eight weeks.” He slipped his hand up my arm, cradling the back of my neck and pulling me into his chest. “Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. I’m not making promises or asking for them. But you need to know the last eight weeks have changed me. Your touch woke me up. I’d been only half alive before you. The best thing that ever happened to me was the airline misplacing your brother’s bull semen.”

I melted into his chest and chuckled softly. To think we had lost luggage to thank for this.

His hand on my nape brought up a flood of memories. Every carnal embrace, but also nights on the couch watchingJeopardy!And eating tacos. All the good times and the bad from the last eight weeks flashed through my mind. The memories were vibrant and alive, unlike my memories of Chicago. They were molten with the heat of the Texas sun and something else I only experienced with Atley. A sensation that made my recollections glow with electricity. A special spark that was lit the first time I heard his deep Texas drawl.

“You know I’m in love with you.” He whispered a kiss on the top of my head while he kept me cuddled to his chest. My eyes still closed, I soaked in his declaration through every pore and relished how it turned the spark in my heart into a steady flame.

“I’d hoped you were. Because I’ve been falling in love with you since you bought me the lights for the pathway. I’m utterly happy and completely terrified.”

“Nothing scares you. You’re the most fearless woman I know.”

I checked in with my gut, looking for the fear. Eight weeks wasn’t enough time to fall in love with a stranger. But it wasn’t there. He and I were right together. No doubts. Zero fear. We fit.

“I’m only fearless because I know you’re there to catch me.” I opened my eyes and tipped my head back to see his handsome face.