Page 49 of Knot Tied

“We don’t see you anywhere.”

With a start, I remember they’d told me to stay put in the flower section. My eyes squeeze shut as I realize the blunder I’d made.

“I’m so sorry,” I say at once. “I got distracted and moved away from there.”

“That’s fine, but where are you?”

“I’m in the frozen section,” I say, feeling terrible. Oliver and Simon must’ve gotten anxious the moment they found me gone.

“Wait right there,” says Oliver. “We’re coming to you.”

The sound of stomping feet echoes around the deserted aisles. They get louder by the second and next moment, Oliver and Simon come into my vision, gasping for breath.

“Oh, Rory,” Oliver sighs, running toward me.

Reaching me, he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a tight hug. His body vibrates against mine as he simply holds onto me.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper, understanding the urgency of his actions.

“It’s fine,” he breathes raggedly. “We’re just glad we didn’t lose you again.”

An ache goes through me. I hate how much I hurt him and his brothers by letting Jake coerce me into running away.

“Hey, it’s Seth,” Simon’s voice makes us break apart.

Looking toward him, I see him answering the call.

“Where the hell are you?” Seth’s angry voice spills from the phone.

“We’re picking up flowers and wine,” Simon says, scratching the back of his head.

“Just get here already,” Seth hisses.

“Will you stop worrying?” Simon says, shaking his head. “We’re on our way.”

“Hurry up! I don’t like Rory being so vulnerable.”

“She’s not vulnerable,” says Oliver. “We’re with her.”

“The two of you aren’t enough!” Seth bursts.

“Hang up already,” Simon drawls. “You’re delaying us.”

“He’s losing his shit,” Oliver mutters as Simon switches off the call. “Let’s get out of here before he has a meltdown.”

“Hold on,” I say, gripping Oliver’s hand. “I wanted to buy those popsicles.”

“Popsicles?” Identical quizzical expressions spread on my twin mates’ faces.

“Over here,” I say, moving toward the fridge to bring out the orange ice lollies.

“You want to have these?” Simon asks with a curious look.

“It’s been ages since I’ve tasted them,” I explain. “My mom used to love them.”

“How about we buy a few for now?” Oliver suggests. “We can buy more on our way back home.”

I nod, loving the idea of breaking into one of the popsicles right away.