Page 84 of Knot Tied

“What does that mean?” I ask, trying to understand the heart of the problem.

“The servers will get destroyed,” Oliver explains. “They will lose all their data and probably, their business too, but the people involved in the business of trafficking omegas will remain hidden. We’ll never get to learn their identities and they’ll continue to roam free.”

“So, that’s why you’re afraid to do anything drastic?” I say, finally realizing why they’ve been stuck with this problem.

My mates nod together.

“We’ve been keeping a watch over Jake’s house and closely monitoring every word that’s being spoken in the senator’s manor,” says Simon. “We’re afraid of missing out on vital information.”

“The Black Widow is watching Jake’s house too,” says Oliver. “So, we have another hurdle to get through before getting our hands on those servers.”

“On top of that, Jake’s house has a security system,” Simon says with a groan. “Vaughn might’ve even installed a bomb in there to detonate the house to protect the servers in case someone tries to force their way in.”

“What if I can get inside Jake’s house?” I say.

Seth, Oliver, and Simon stare at me unblinkingly.

“Rory, how will you do that?” Seth asks with a hesitant look. “He’s got a security system in place that keeps his premises locked at all times.”

“I know,” I say, grinning. “I never understood why he needed something so elaborate when he was living in a quiet suburban neighborhood. Only now I’m realizing that he was using his place to hide illegal shit.”

“Wait, do you know his password?” Simon asks, his blue eyes sparkling with excitement.

“If he hasn’t changed anything, my fingerprints will open his front door,” I say. “I could give it a try and see if I can open his home to you guys.”

Seth stands up so suddenly, that the chair topples and falls to the floor. The crash makes me gasp in surprise while Oliver and Simon curse loudly.

“Are you trying to startle us to death, Bruh?” Oliver shouts.

Ignoring him, Seth places his hands on the table and leans across it to stare at me. “Tell me you’re serious, Rory. Can you really get inside Jake’s house without setting off the alarms?”

“I’m sure a wrong password or fingerprint won’t trigger something as serious as an explosion,” I say, considering every possibility that they mentioned. “At the most, it’ll send him a notification on his phone to alert him of an intruder.”

“It’s still very dangerous,” says Seth, looking worried. “He has the Black Widow keeping watch over the house.”

“They might alert him but I doubt they’ll break into the house to get me,” I say. “It’s a busy neighborhood with houses lining the street. Even if the Black Widow are watching the place, they can’t act too recklessly. I’ll be fine going in by myself.”

“Rory’s his ex-girlfriend,” Oliver says through gritted teeth. “No one will bat an eye if they see her hanging around his house.”

“I’m also an omega,” I say with a bitter chuckle. “Even if the Black Widow are watching his house, they won’t treat me as a serious threat.”

“If she has a chance to get inside his basement, we’ll get the opportunity to hack into the servers,” Simon says, looking excited. “Just imagine what we could do if that happens.”

Seth still looks anxious. I know he’s trying to find a way to keep me out of this mission for my safety.

“I’ll be fine,” I say, capturing his hand. “Just tell me what I need to do after I get inside his house.”

His emerald-green eyes look into mine. “I hate the idea of pushing you into this.”

“You’re not pushing me into anything. I want to do this to help you. Besides, I’m not as helpless as I used to be. Just ask, Simon. I’m getting better with my target practice. If a dangerous situation does arise, I can protect myself.”

“You’re getting better but you still need a lot of practice,” Simon says, grinning.

“But, I can shoot someone,” I insist.

Simon lets out a quiet sigh. “Of course, you can shoot someone if you stay calm.”

“So, you want her to do this?” Seth asks, meeting Simon’s gaze.