Page 16 of Knot Tied

“The senator?”

She nods, looking nervous.

Seth throws a confused glance at me. He’s probably thinking the same thing as me. How could Rory kill an alpha like Vaughn Dumas?

Seth moves closer. Laying his hands gently on her shoulders, he turns her toward him. “Can you explain what happened, love?”

“Vaughn was hurting me,” she says in a choked voice. Tears fill her eyes as she stares down at her bare feet. “I kept screaming for him to stop but he wouldn’t listen. So, I grabbed the bedside lamp and crashed it into his head. He wasn’t moving when I left him.” She looks toward the closest corpse. “He was just as still as her.”

A shuddering breath escapes Seth. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulls her against his chest.

Her fingers clutch onto his shirt as she quietly sobs.

“It’s okay,” he says, gently caressing her hair. “You don’t have to worry about anyone hurting you. We’re here now. We’ll take care of you, Rory.”

Rory is in need of comfort and assurance but the more time we spend here, the more vulnerable we become. We need to leave before any of those guards find us on the scene with two dead bodies.

“Where did you leave him?” I ask, breaking the moment between Seth and Rory.

Rory wipes her eyes and nods. “Come with me. I’ll show you.”

Looking toward the window, I signal Simon to stay there.

Seth and I hurry after Rory as she leads us into a corridor and up a flight of stairs.

The senator’s house is luxurious, giving us an idea of both his wealth and power. I have no doubt he’s connected to the Black Widow but until now, his name hasn’t cropped up in any of our investigations.

Rory stops in front of an open door. “He’s in there,” she says, refusing to take a step inside the room.

“Stay with her,” Seth says as he cautiously pushes the door wider and enters the room.

Rory grips my hand tightly. Her face is awfully pale as she stares into the room with wide eyes.

“It’s all right,” Seth’s voice comes from inside the room. “He’s not dead.”

“Really? He’s alive?” Rory quips, padding inside the room.

I follow her and immediately see an unconscious man on the floor.

Crouching next to Seth, I press a finger against the side of his neck. The low throb against my digit tells me that the senator is still alive. “Yep. You knocked him out cold but the bastard’s alive.”

A look of intense relief spreads through Rory’s face.

“Should we just leave him here?” Seth asks.

I shrug, not at all bothered about the man who’d dared to lay his hands on my mate.

“What do we do about the two dead women?” Rory asks. “They both belong to the Black Widow and acted as our keepers in those underground cages.”

“Let this guy clean up after his shitty helpers,” I say in a cold tone.

“Do we just...leave?” Rory whispers, staring between me and Seth. “Just like that?”

“Yep. We got what we came here for,” I say, getting to my feet. “You.”

“There’s one last thing I need to do before we leave, though,” Seth says, straightening up. “Let’s get Rory out of the house and into the car. Wait there with her while Simon and I finish up in here.”

“What are you talking about?” I say in a grim tone. “What are you planning to do?”