At my silence, Marcus’s head tipped to the side, watching me. “You’ve never heard of my daughter?” he asked.
“Why would I have?” I asked. “Is she famous?” Not that I was all that familiar with who was famous these days either.
“She’s… famous in the way a lot of young people are famous these days,” he said, waving a hand like he thought that was ridiculous.
“I don’t understand,” I admitted, making Marcus reach for his phone, tapping around for a moment, then clucking his tongue.
“She has about two-point-five million followers on her social media accounts.”
“And that’s a lot?” I asked, having no idea what was enough to be considered famous these days.
“For someone who isn’t famousforsomething, yes.”
“So, she’s famous for what?”
“Being young, beautiful, and privileged,” he said. “For having opportunities and sharing them on her social media.”
What a vapid way to live.
But, I guess, when you got addicted to that external validation, it was a real bitch of a drug. Always seeking strangers’ approval. Feeling like nothing is really “real” unless two million people see and approve of it.
“Does she earn an income from that?”
“She gets brand deals. And she gets many, many free things.”
“That’s ironic,” I mumbled to myself.
“What is?”
“That she, someone who can afford to get anything she wants, gets sent free things.”
“That it is, son. I won’t pretend to understand her social media… thing. But it seems important to her. And I just want to make sure that what others share of her is somewhat as carefully cultivated as what she shares of herself.”
Something went down.
I didn’t know what it was.
Panty-less paparazzi shots.
A sex tape.
Otherwise, dear old Dad wouldn’t feel the need to fork out so much money.
“Is Scarlet your only child?” I asked.
“She is,” he confirmed. “My hope was to leave this to her someday,” he said, waving around his office. “But the shareholders won’t hear of it if she doesn’t start at leastappearingmore in control.”
“I understand your concerns,” I said, nodding. No company wanted to be connected to an out-of-control young woman who spat in the face of her family legacy.
“Do you have any questions?”
“I do.”
“Such as?”
“If I am with your daughter, say in a nightclub of some sort, and she is being what I deem to be inappropriate, what am I permitted to do?”