Page 55 of His Keepsake



I could hear if not see and the bump on landing was unmistakable. The rotors wound down to a whine. With the chopper ride over, Mr. Scott helped me out and led me to whatever vehicle awaited us. The tension inside abated, but not enough. That tightening screw of doubt remained, teasing at my insides.

From the voices, I could tell Axl was driving. Scott sat beside me.

The cat mask and the goggles were taken off. The flare of oncoming headlights made me blink. They asked me nothing, and I judged it wiser to stay mute.

Cautiously, I observed the interior of the car as the mittens were unbuckled and removed.

The tiny holes in the goggles had allowed me to see a blurred, restricted view of everything tonight. Mittened up, plugged, displayed to a crowd, I had heard their leering taunts. Yet nothing else had happened to me, and I’d had plenty of opportunities to listen to the conversations going on around me.

Apart from that Wolfman assaulting me, I was fine, if shaken. Asshole, Mr. Scott had called him. I thoroughly agreed.

Most of what had gone on back there was not right or moral, and surely it wasn’t legal?

And when Wolfman tried to drag me away with a noose about my neck, the realization hit me that my life had been in danger. I touched the bruise and swallowed. I had found my limits, tonight.

That dark arousal, that amazing buzz I derived from CNC that Mr. Scott seemed to easily conjure, that I wanted. Not this. Mr. Scott might not be the Dom that Charity arranged, and yet he’d mindfucked me into being turned on when I shouldn’t be.

Axl, though, he seemed more prone to doing the unforgiveable.

What were they going to do with me? Really do with me? None of this pretend bullshit.

After a long stretch down a narrow country road, the car slowed and pulled into a driveway. The headlights bloomed across the pale front of a house I couldn’t recognize, then we drove inside a triple garage. The two vehicles in here had their license plates concealed by car covers.

From the conversation between the men, as I slid from the seat and out, this was Mr. Scott’s home, where many dubious things had been done to me. Illegal things. What if they shackled me to a basement wall and never let me out?

I hugged myself while he leaned in the driver’s window saying some last words to Axl. The chain leash casually connected me to Scott’s hand where he rested it on the car.

It seemed Axl was a real name. It slipped off Mr. Scott’s tongue too easily.

They were close friends, and the invitation to the party tonight had come from Axl.

“See you tomorrow!” Mr. Scott waved as Axl backed out and drove off, the engine thundering threats, like a storm on the horizon. He swept onto a road some half a mile away, I guessed. On the horizon, a small house lay in silhouette. We were in the middle of nowhere. This place would be difficult to escape from.

Mr. Scott did not turn, yet he dropped the leash and left the chain trailing from my collar to the floor. Not that I could run. I hugged myself as I began to tremble. My skin-hugging suit wasn’t thick enough, not with the cold wind pushing in through the opening from that stark, spare landscape.

Idly, I kept looking.

If I ran, I would have to reach those trees.

It was dark and freezing. Memories returned to me, uninvited.

The woman I saw, her eyes were sewn shut. I shivered.

What Axl had threatened me with, in my presence, that was awful. I knew mindfucks and was sure that was not one. He had meant it.

I’d loved this at first, but now?

Now I was trembling and my skin was ice. My teeth ground against one another.

The car lights had vanished, and all we had to see by were lights shining from above the front of the garage, pooling on the driveway and reflecting back. When Mr. Scott turned, his face was dark, unreadable, and he stood looking toward me for what seemed ages.

“I’m taking you home.” Then walked to the rear of the car and popped the trunk. “In.”

Terrified I was about to be murdered and dumped, I froze and gulped down a lump in my throat. “Say it. I dare you.”