Page 5 of His Keepsake

From the safety of my car, I watched the café. There were few lights this far along the street, and the darkness was thick enough to cut with a flogger. Idly my thoughts switched to wondering what noises Emme would make when…or if, I used one on her pussy.

Watching the two women drink coffee and talk felt like watching a boring porno with the volume off. Both were attractive and lit up in that artificial box of light created by the window frame.

The friend rose and left the booth—presumably to use the washroom. My prey jotted something down on a napkin and laid it at her friend’s spot, then picked up her purse and stepped out into the night, breaking the fourth wall of the show I was watching. She was in my world and touchable.

Adrenaline surged, and I sat up straight. My eyesight seemed to ratchet a notch higher in focus. As she sashayed on her high heels across the uneven pavement, this moment was seared into my memory and stamped with the date, the time, and the condition of my dick.

Prey, meet hunter.

She headed down the street toward the old docks at the waterfront, where the abduction was scheduled to happen. I’d thought maybe her friend would go with her—at least to watch from a safe distance, to make sure nothing unexpected happened—but when she came out of the washroom, she read the note and shook her head. I could almost feel her rolling her eyes. My little target had told her to stay behind?

I started the engine and pulled out, driving past my delectable treat, in her silver-spiked heels and flirty dress and coat. We left behind the safer, brighter-lit zone where people might spill from the club and hear her screams or see her being dragged to the ground and into a car.

After a left turn around a corner, it was a short drive before I found an immense tree to park beneath, close to the river. The heavy shadows were perfect.

There would be no CCTV cameras. The businesses had gone broke, years ago. The only warehouse remaining was a burnt-out wreck. There was no one to see anything, nothing to steal, and nowhere for the homeless to live. Even lovers would have to be desperate to use this area for a date. On one side were the remains of a wooden fence that used to shield the warehouse. On the other side, low grasses and shabby bushes lined the riverbank. A pale concrete pathway went meandering along there, going nowhere in particular.

Even in daylight, I couldn’t imagine this place had much traffic.

The slim crescent of moon reflected off the occasional shiny piece of tar, stone, or fragment of glass. Wrestling anyone to the ground would mean risking laceration.

By the time she appeared, wandering along, my car engine was shut down and the inner light adjusted so it wouldn’t turn on if I opened the door.

I had to wonder if she would have second thoughts. I would, if I were her. This place was a shithole ready to be a headline about a murder in the news.

Her head swung toward me as though she was checking the vehicle for an occupant, but it was too dark for her to see through the heavy tint on the windows. She crossed to the river side where she had arranged to walk. From the way she studied the ground, it was either very rough or the poor lighting made her doubt. Once, she stumbled.

How far would I go?That question was going around and around like a feverish mouse running on a wheel.

From the comfort of my car, I could watch this all go down the way it was supposed to—wait for her friendly scheduled abductor to pull up and take her—maybe play voyeur as he took her roughly once or twice before throwing her in his car and driving off. If it was hot, I could take a few minutes to jerk off, then just drive home and crawl into bed. I could spend the day tomorrow puttering around the house looking for something to do.

Retiring so young wasn’t agreeing with me. Overcoming obstacles and outthinking people was what I lived for. I was only in my mid-thirties and had no interest in taking up golf or playing competitive chess.

But this?

I leaned into the door and the armrest, getting more comfortable.

I should head straight to confession and unburden myself to the poor, unsuspecting parish priest. Maybe I should answer some of the phone calls and messages from various tech firms looking to acquire my expertise at an exorbitant price. That would be the normal thing to do. That would be safe, sane, and consensual.

My thoughts and my immoral cravings were none of those.

Emme constantly scanned her surroundings and the river, though after ten minutes of nothing happening, the river drew most of her attention. A few times, she removed her phone from a pocket to check it. If there were any messages, they changed nothing.

Even in the car, it seemed to grow colder.

What was she thinking?

If she wasn’t at least a little scared, or worried, she was not normal.

I played with that idea—that her fears were building, clawing themselves upward to dominate her mind. Scared was good. It made my dick pulse, and I pictured her struggling under me, her panties torn and shoved aside so I could get access to that sweet, biteable ass.

I did a deep breathing exercise to calm myself.

Inhale. Exhale.Her, on the floor, wet and begging after I switched her. Now crawl to Daddy and ask forgiveness. I grinned at myself.

Maybe she was wondering whether this had all been a mistake?

I struggled with the monster inside me that wanted to take her now, before he showed up. I waited for him, this unknown man, to rescue me from my baser impulses, but time dragged on, and he didn’t show, leaving my sweet little dove out in the middle of nowhere in growing danger from me. Anyone could just grab her from the grassy area where she stood now, overlooking the river. Some sicko might rip the almost-sheer dress from her vulnerable body, pressing her face down in the dirt as he took what she so brazenly offered, leaving her used and dripping, or maybe choking her until the light left her eyes—or stabbing her and leaving her to die in this lonely, desolate place.