Page 28 of His Keepsake

Although I was expecting something painful or humiliating to happen, he just tucked a lock of hair behind my ear.

“If you promise to be a good girl for me, maybe you’ll get an extra blanket tonight.”

“Do…do I have to sleep in the basement again? It’s so dark.”

“The absolute darkness is good for you. It’ll help you concentrate on important things, like how to please me.”

“Mr. Scott, please. It’s scary.” How had I fallen so far, so fast? This was pitiful.

“Girls who want clothes and an extra blanket shouldn’t whine.”

I cringed. “I’m sorry, Mr. Scott. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful.”

“Put your head on my knee.”

Trembling a little, I laid my head on his leg, where he’d indicated, and he absently stroked my hair and face, as though I were his dog. When the tub was full, he stood, and I sat back on my heels. He picked me up off the floor, put me into the tub, and dropped the leash into the water. He then stripped and got in with me.

Startled, I stared at him.

Although the tub was large, it felt intimate to share it with a man I barely knew. Then again, he’d been in my ass only a few minutes before.

A bath. With him.

Things had gone from abduction to date so quickly my gears were stripped.

Not sure what to say, I focused on how the sudden transition from freezing to hot made my skin tingle and burn. It was hard not to gasp as my body temperature rose. This must be how a frozen chicken felt when it got defrosted.

My teeth were still chattering, but I clamped them together only to find my body shuddering. I was so core-deep cold it felt like I’d never warm up again. Tears brimmed anew and slipped down my face, which already felt itchy with the tears from earlier. I cupped water in my hands and scrubbed my face with it, finding a crust of something at the corner of my mouth, too.

Probably old come I’d missed, or drool from during the ass-fucking. I scrubbed there longer, feeling frozen and filthy.

“Not accustomed to being used so hard?” he asked, sounding amused.

“Hard, but not this hard.”

He grunted. “Are you regretting signing up for this?”

“I thought you were trying to convince me you weren’t Charity’s friend.”

“I’m not her friend, but I’m sure he would have done similar things to you if he would have taken you. Sadists with dark tendencies are harder to satisfy than masochists with few limits.”

“You think that’s true?”

His cruel smile was enough of an answer that I didn’t argue.

My throat hurt from crying, and I swallowed, looking forward to getting a drink of water. For now I’d enjoy the heat of the people soup I was wallowing in with this complete stranger.

“Do you enjoy being a captive as much as you thought you would?”

I opened my mouth, not sure what to say, and only closed my mouth and shrugged.

“Not what you were expecting?”

“I haven’t had time to process. I…didn’t anticipate the cold.”

“If you’re a good girl, maybe I’ll let you sleep upstairs.”

My heart leapt, as though he’d just offered me an all-expenses-paid trip to Europe.