Page 51 of Nightmare Rising

My hips bucked mid-air to ride him.

More. Harder. Faster.

I needed to trip over the crest of where he was taking me.

Finally I fell, an exhilarating rush breaking me apart.

I should have crashed.

I should have floated away.

But Val kept on fucking, drawing me back, pulling me in, his focus locked on the join of our bodies, watching intently as he shunted in and out, in and out of me.

Maybe it was the fourth, or the fifth...or the tenth orgasm when my lungs started burning and my stomach started cramping. Tender flesh between my legs sang out in pain and pleasure drowning out my almost silent pleas.


No more.


Grabbing for his wrists, I clawed to get away before pulling him back in.

I needed this to end; I never wanted it to end.

I tried to hit him.

Kick him.

And when the thick hardness of him slipped from my body, I cried out in emptiness instead of relief.

Hollow, I let him pull my feet to the ground. Let him spin me round and trap my wrists in the hollow of my back.

I let him push me flat onto the hood, the light sweat on my stomach sticking me to the paintwork of the Dodge as my cheek nuzzled the coolness.

The thick leather of his belt wound round my wrists, bit into my skin as he pulled tight. I hissed, but my body shivered with bliss.

Val nudged my legs apart with his knee. His cock slid along my swollen slickness until he found my entrance and ploughed back home.

This time the hiss was his—as if I’d burned him.

As if he balanced on the same tightrope between pain and pleasure.

He screwed in harder without withdrawing, molding us into each other until we were both panting.

Until I bucked.

Until I fought to fuck him.

Until he finally, finally came, spurting the white heat of our lust inside my burning body.



I layin disarray on the hood of his Dodge and slowly pushed the air in my lungs outward. At some point Val had had enough to feed his hunger. I listened to the metallic chink as he fastened the buckle of his belt and savored the frisson as I remembered the leather sliding over my skin. My nerves were still raw, still anticipating.

Somewhere something howled. Signs of life were returning.