Page 10 of Nightmare Rising

This time, the cut blazed with darkness.

The man stirred under my hand. The muscles of his forearm shifted, and I prepared myself—groping for his mind, ready to send him back into dreamland.

“But first, tell me your name.”

He was still a blank in there. Only that was impossible, wasn’t it?

“Who are you?”

I pushed further into his mind, sweeping past his sense of self and his mental constructs, deep into wastelands, the chasm of not-thought, where I slammed intosomeoneelse.

Like me, he wasn’t just one person. He was two. He was...I almost knew. The presence locked there was familiar.

So familiar.



Hewas dead.

“I shot you. I saw the pistol ball... I watched you fall.” A bullet etched with dream and forged in metal from the House—everything I knew about alchemy told me it had killed him.

He should be dead.

My breath caught, a sinking cold as I watched my latest not-victim rise into awareness, a leviathan swimming up from the deep.

One day I will have you flayed and fucked while I watch.

Today was not that day.

I grabbed a fistful of his hair while my other hand squeezed the handle of the dagger.

“You’re supposed to be dead.” I could hear my own fear.

His big hand shot up, fingers locking as he latched onto my forearm. Crushing strength that could break.

I ached, up my arm and down to my bones—my heart battering my rib cage.

One more chance. I’d been given one more chance.

“Fuck you.” I gritted through the pain as I raised the knife high enough to drive it deep into his skull. “Go back to the hel—”

A force from behind rocked my head, an explosion that rained in fragments of brain.

A sniper? I hadn’t...

The world was slowing down.

I was dying.

Screaming. All I could hear was screaming.

I couldn’t...


The dagger, whatever happened I had to keep the dagger.