Page 109 of Shattered Obsession

“Hockey things…skating, hitting with the stick, and getting a little, black blob into the net.”

Aaron pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration.

“This is going to be a disaster.”

“Stop it. No one is going to quiz me on this shit.”

“You asked me to tell you how it all works! Can you try to at least pretend like you care a little bit?”

I laugh. “I don’t hate hockey!”

The arena crescendos in volume, vibrating with renewed energy and anticipation. Voices grow louder, and cheers intensify as the seconds tick down to the start of the game. The aroma of popcorn, corn dogs, and cheese pizza wafts by as fans weave through the arena, finding their designated seats. Overhead, the scoreboard hums while bright lights shimmer across the ice. I watch as the last of the arena staff tidy up a few things before hurrying off.

Suddenly, the music amplifies, sending my heart into overdrive as I fixate on the glistening ice rink, waiting for the players to begin trickling out. The yellow overhead lights abruptly switch off, plunging the vast, rounded arena into darkness. Deep-blue and purple lights flicker to life, some remaining static while others dance around the white rink. The scoreboard flashes to life, and madness breaks out all around us as the crowd starts to go wild.

I’m so excited to see Dominik in his element. Some people are born with desire and raw talent burning inside them, and they’ll never settle until they do what brings them to life. Hockey has always brought Dom to life.

I’ve heard about his game play and how he is just a natural on the ice. One of the best hockey players of his time. My dad used to joke that he thinks Dominik flew out of his mom wearing skates on his tiny baby feet.

“Dream On” by Aerosmith booms from the speakers as four referees appear on the ice, skating in perfect harmony as they go around, circling one another. A performance they are all too familiar with, having likely done this dance a thousand times.

There is a lot happening, and even though I’m completely new to this scene, the enthusiasm is contagious.

“The game is about to begin. The Slashers are going to come out first since they are the home team,” Aaron explains.

Just then, the crowd starts booing loudly.

“What’s going on?”

When Aaron doesn’t answer, I look over to see his face in his phone and his fingers moving furiously across the glass screen. Must be work, but I don’t dare ask, in case it opens the door to him needing to leave. No way in hell am I sitting through a full hockey game alone.

He glances up for a split second before getting back to his phone. “They always do that. The crowd doesn’t like the refs.”


“They just don’t,” Aaron exclaims loudly.

“Thank you for that helpful explanation,” I mutter to myself, tempted to grab his phone and throw it over the plexiglass barriers. “Can you put that away? Just for a couple of hours?” I yell, making sure he can hear me this time.

He purses his lips, clearly unhappy, but tucks his phone back in his pocket.

“I’m sorry. It’s hard for me to step away from work, but I’m trying.”

Or maybe you just don’t know how to be less controlling. Not wanting to start another argument or piss him off, I keep quiet and turn back toward the ice.

A strobing, white spotlight appears on my left, highlighting an entrance. Everyone stands, including Aaron. I crane my neck, watching closely, almost at the edge of my seat to see how the team is going to make their entrance.

“Stand up,” Aaron says, grabbing my hand.

The arena is full of jovial fans, and the sounds of their cheers grow more intense around us.

I can feel Aaron’s eyes on me. He’s smiling as he waits to see my reaction, which only has my heart jumping to my throat. The anticipation is starting to drive me a little crazy, but I love the vibrations from the music and the electrifying aura of everyone else here as we collectively wait for the team to make their appearance.

I finally understand the rush of the game and what it means to be part of this crowd—this community of hockey fans. That’s saying a lot, considering the game hasn’t even started.

And I haven’t even seen Dominik yet.