Page 99 of Shattered Obsession

Via laughs and stops typing, turning her body to face me. “Relax, I’m joking.”

Grabbing my phone and work badge, I log out of my computer.

“Be right back.”

Via springs out of her chair. “No way, I’m coming with.”

As we walk toward reception, a few sets of eyes follow us, but I ignore them, wondering what is at the front that requires my attention.

Standing at the reception desk is a bike courier in baggy jeans and a black beanie. He is short and holding on to a rather sizeable box, which only makes him appear smaller. He looks impatiently at every new person who walks by him, likely hoping it’s me so he can finally do his job and leave.

Finally, it’s our turn.

“Are you Zoe Jackson?” he blurts out, his eyes bouncing between Via and me.

“I am.”

He hands me a clipboard, asking me to sign.

“What is it?”

“I don’t know, lady. Just sign so I can get on with it.”

I rest the box on the counter, asking the girls at reception if they have a box cutter. Two of them ignore me until Via finally reaches over and grabs one tucked underneath the desk.

One of them glares at Via, and she sticks out her tongue, which makes me want to hug her.

“Jerks,” she mutters, handing me the small cutter so I can open the box.

“Thanks,” I whisper.

Excitedly, I cut open the box, only to discover yet another medium-sized, purple box nestled inside. With Via’s help, I remove the first box. The second box is simply stunning, boasting a rich shade of deep-purple and adorned with a lavender, silk ribbon. Curiosity piqued, I tug gently on the ribbon, causing the lid of the box to lift, revealing something unexpected. Suddenly, a multitude of spring-loaded butterflies gracefully take flight, filling the air with their vibrant colors.

“Holy shit.”

“Oh my God.”

As I peer inside the box, my eyes are immediately drawn to the special edition of Wuthering Heights, accompanied by a large VIP pass for the Slashers.


“Oh my God!! Are you the captain’s mystery girl?”

It takes me a minute to realize people are chattering around me, talking about what just happened. But all I care to do is run my fingers along the foil-embroidered edge of the book, grounding myself in the moment.

Well played, Lewis. Well played.

Everyone was talking about Dominik and me by the end of the work day. The butterfly gift act had circulated around before I’d even had a chance to walk back to my desk. I’m not sure if I should be happy or mad about how everything played out, but I have to admit, no one seems to care about me and Greg anymore. They’re all probably wondering how an attractive, pro hockey player could ever date someone like me. Not that I’d confirmed or denied anything to anyone, except Via who had been nearly hyperventilating after I’d whispered it to her.

Stepping out of the penthouse elevator, I walk inside the apartment feeling utterly exhausted and realize the place is exactly the same as it was when I left this morning. No new scents, empty sink… Aaron hasn’t even been home by the looks of it. It’s quiet and dark, the room illuminated by the twinkling city lights outside.

I miss my brother. We haven’t even crossed paths in the mornings lately. I’m not even sure if he’s been sleeping here. Perhaps he has another apartment closer to his office, considering his intense workload. But wouldn’t he tell me that? Maybe he’s dating someone and staying at her place? But I can’t see Aaron doing that either, or keeping it a secret. We used to share everything.

I’m not going to wallow in the missed opportunities with Aaron tonight. I’m feeling good and have no interest in bringing myself down. Instead, I fire off a quick text to Aaron, telling him I miss him and want to plan a museum date with him soon.

Throughout our relationship, we have always prioritized honesty and maintained open lines of communication. What I appreciate most about Aaron is that he has never tried to change me into someone I’m not. Instead, he loves me in a way that my parents should have but unfortunately didn’t. At times, it can feel overwhelming, because I sense that he is trying to make up for their shortcomings. Although his protectiveness might be annoying sometimes, I’m just thankful to have him in my life.
