Page 130 of Shattered Obsession

Pfft, bring it, pretty boy. He thinks he can tame me with one bite? Who does he think he is? I’ll chew him up and spit him out without a second thought. Thankfully for me, Dominik Lewis has no hold on me, and he has no clue how much of a brat I can be. If we were sexual partners, I’d wear him out.

Too bad that’s never going to happen. It would be fun to see what he’s made of, what kinks lie beneath all that fake big boy energy. Because no matter how many times we go back and forth, how many times he leers down at me or I defy him, we always fall back into our old roles.

Where he treats me as if I’m only Aaron’s little sister, and I treat him like he doesn’t matter.

Fighting against the rising sense of disappointment curdling in my gut, I wrap my coat tighter around myself and begin my walk back to the apartment. I’ve officially hit a new low: being stood up by an anonymous person from the depths of the internet. He was probably some old, fat guy living in his parents’ basement.

It’s for the best.

I unlock the apartment door, and my shoulders tense before I even step inside. The soft click of the door closing behind me tremors through the silence. I’m hoping Dominik is asleep or not home since I took my time getting back to the apartment, not wanting to have it out with him after the night we’d had.

All I want to do right now is strip out of my cold, damp clothes and stand under a hot shower for twenty minutes before crawling into bed and forgetting the last twenty-four hours. An unwelcome sense of unease prickles at my skin, a gut feeling like something’s off as I enter the dimly lit living room. It feels like someone is watching me.

As I turn around, I’m startled, almost jumping out of my skin, as I catch sight of a figure shrouded in darkness, sitting perfectly still. Once my eyes adjust, I recognize Dominik, perched on the chair in the corner, bathed in the gentle radiance of the moonlight seeping through the curtains. His disheveled hair falls freely, accentuating the intensity of his gaze. Those eyes possess an undeniable spark, as if they could ignite the entire room, especially when directed at me.

I’m ablaze under his gaze.

“Zoe.” His anger is palpable, radiating off of him and filling the entire room with unmistakable tension.

A part of me is screaming for me to turn and run.

“Oh, you’re still up,” I say coolly.

Where is his shirt? Does he always lounge around in only sweatpants?


“Did you have fun? I hope whoever you were with was worth bailing on me,” he says, taking a slow sip of his drink.

“I wasn’t with anyone.”

“Is that so? I thought you were meeting up with someone in Central Park.”

I never told him that.

“How did you know that?”

“I know everything.” He gives me a dark smile.

“Whatever.” Getting tired of his mind games, I drop my bag and kick off my boots, determined to head upstairs because I’m done with this conversation.

“We’re not done here,” he commands, and I whip around to face him.

“Why? So you can yell at me for ‘disobeying you?’ Scold me some more? No, thank you. I’m not in the mood for your shit tonight. I’m tired and cold.”

Dom is no longer in the chair across the room. He’s stalking toward me, pinning me with an icy glare I’ve never seen before.

“You’re such a fucking brat.”

“And you’re a fucking psychopath.”

“Says the woman meeting a strange man at the park in the middle of the night.”

I blink at him. “What?”

“Do you think I don’t keep tabs on you? Track your movements? Have my car follow you around? Do you think I don’t know who you’re talking to?” He tips his drink back and sets the glass down.

“Are you kidding me? Invading my privacy? What the fuck is wrong with you?”