Page 111 of Shattered Obsession

The bright, fluorescent lights turn on, flooding the arena as cheerful pop music begins blasting through the speakers.

“You can sit down now.”

Shaking away the Dominik haze, I look down at Aaron and take a seat.

“Toxic” by Britney Spears blares, and the crowd starts screaming, mainly the women. Confused, I look around and notice some people are fanning themselves. Others are standing and jumping, clapping as if Henry Cavill has just walked out onto the ice.

The players are all skating around, but I notice some are…wait…

“Oh my God! What are they doing?”

Aaron bursts out laughing. “They’re stretching.”

That doesn’t look like stretching.

“They’re humping the ice.”

Dominik skates to the other side of the ice, stopping abruptly and causing a spray of shaved ice to dust the air. He gets onto his knees while looking in my general direction. Spreading wide, he starts stretching his quads. He takes his hockey stick, gripping each end, and raises it over his head. A crowd of rambunctious women goes wild behind me.


Laughing, I look back at the flustered women losing themselves watching Dom stretch on the ice. But he’s doing it on purpose, trying to get a rise out of them. Sexualizing himself, and they’re fucking eating it up right out of the palm of his hand.

“This is hilarious.”

“The women love him.”

I roll my eyes. “Clearly.”

“You don’t find him attractive?”

I know when Aaron is trying to set me up. Facing my brother, I raise a brow at him, and he crosses his arms, challenging me. I think if Aaron could have it his way, I’d be asexual. Unfortunately for him, I love sex, and I would have more of it if I could. Sex is completely natural, and people should explore everything that makes them feel good. We like what we like, and there is nothing wrong with that.

But Aaron has always been weird about the topic of sex around me. Although we’ve never actually talked about it, I know he would rather I never engage in any activity, especially with anyone he might know. Once, he beat up one of my boyfriends in high school because he caught him grabbing my ass.

But that’s Aaron’s problem, not mine, and if I’m going to stay in New York, under his roof, he’s going to realize quickly just how much I enjoy sex. My entire box of toys hidden in my closet can attest to that.

“Depends what you’re into.”


I shrug. “He’s not my type.” I glance toward Dom, who is watching us. He’s on his feet now, doing jump squats on the ice as if he’s not wearing skates. I would fall flat on my face and break my teeth if I even attempted anything like that.

“Dom is everyone’s type.”

Smirking, I look up at my brother. “Is he your type, Aaron?”

“Fuck off.”

“Hey…I’m just asking. You’re super weird about sex, or the lack of it.”

“Not that there is anything wrong with it, but I’m not into guys.”

“Tell me more.”

“No.” His voice is stern, and I know he won’t be entertaining this conversation for another second.

Deep down, I know Dom is everyone’s type. Anyone with eyes would want to spend a night tangled in the sheets with him. But I’m not interested in a man who’s closed off, stubborn, and cold. Plus, the only reason he’s giving me any attention right now is to help himself.