Page 63 of Reluctantly Royal

“Oh my God, I’m so excited,” Ami says. Then she yawns.

I laugh. “I can call later.”

“She’ll be yawning later too,” Charlie says, patting Ami’s knee. “Talk. Now.”

I reach for one of the boots and hold it up. “He sent me these. Today. Special delivery.”

Charlie’s eyes go wide. “Um…”

I take a breath. “He doesn’t live here. We’ve been texting a lot. And he sent me a photo of him wearing cowboy boots, and I admitted that I'm not crazy about cowboys.”

“Which is ridiculous,” Charlie says. “Cowboys are hot. Everyone knows that.”

She hasn’t met the cowboys I’ve met.

Ami leans in. “Looks like he's trying to change your mind.”

“And I think maybe he could,” I say softly.

Charlie squeals again. “Oh my gosh, tell us everything. How did you meet him?”

“We met at your wedding, actually, Charlie.”

Both of my sisters stare at me. “Oh, really?” Charlie asks.

I nod. “And then we met again at your wedding,” I tell Ami.

They exchange a look. Then Charlie asks, “It’s Torin, right?”

Hearing his name makes my stomach flip. I nod. “How did you guess that?”

“There were definite sparks between you,” Charlie says. “And I caught you on the back step with him.” She looks at Ami. “That’s why we…”

Ami’s nodding. “Yeah.”

I frown. “Why you what?”

“We thought maybe you were interested, which is super weird because of the whole…” Ami trails off.

“Prince thing?” I ask.

They both nod. “Yeah, that,” Charlie says. “We figured no way would you be interested. But we saw how he was looking at you.”

My stomach flips again. “How was he looking at me?”

“The way Michael looks at Ami,” Charlie says with a grin.

Ami laughs. “And the way Griffin looks at Charlie.”

I feel my cheeks heat. Even I’ve noticed the way my brothers-in-law look at my sisters. And yes, it’s hot and possessive, but it’s also full of love and affection and an emotion I can’t name. It’s just…I-can’t-believe-you’re-mine. That’s the best way to describe it.

“He did not look at me like that,” I say softly.

“Kind of,” Ami says nodding. “He seemed very into you. So…” She sighs. “We checked on him. Kind of for fun at first. Like what the palace looks like and what the interior of the private plane looks like and if we could find any photos of him in his crown.”

I can’t help myself. “Did you?”

She nods. “And he looks very good in it.”