Page 60 of Reluctantly Royal

“Well, it was rock-paper-scissors.” He grins. “But there were several rounds, and I was the champ.”

I laugh. “Thanks. I had no idea you were all so bored that me getting a package would be so exciting.”

“But it’s a really fancy package with super specific instructions,” he says. “And it’s you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

He leans a hip against the tall table. “You’re not really the secret admirer type,” he says. But then he narrows his eyes. “Or maybe you’re really the secret admirer type.”

I frown. “And what does that mean?”

“You’re a little mysterious.”

“I am not.” I roll my eyes.

“You are. You’re quiet. Super smart. You don’t really socialize. But you’re gorgeous and brilliant. It’s like you’re secretly a super hero or something.”

I laugh out loud at that. “No. I’m not a super hero. I’m a nerdy farmer. Just like I appear.”

“Hmmm…” He doesn’t seem convinced. “Well, open the damned box. You know I’ve been ordered to report back.”

I study the box, then look at him. Opening a surprise package in front of someone I don’t know all that well seems a little vulnerable. But that’s ridiculous. Someone is sending me a gift. That’s a nice thing. And it’s something that someone put a lot of thought into. From the wrapping to the method of delivery…

And it hits me.

I know exactly who this is from.

It’s no one in my family. They send me stuff sometimes, of course. My grandmother will send me treats, but those come in cardboard boxes delivered to my house by the post office. My sisters send me gifts sometimes—little things they see when they’re out together like notebooks or socks, like the ones I wore in the photo I sent to Torin, or pajamas like the ones I wore the night Torin came over to my grandmother’s house. Those also come to the house in boxes addressed by one of them. There’s no fancy paper or bows.

This is from Torin.

Butterflies kick up in my stomach.

This is exactly something he would do. From the elaborate bow to the special delivery instructions, he would go above and beyond to send me a gift.

I press a hand against my stomach and look up at Austin.

I want to open it in front of him. And I want him to go back and tell everyone that Torin O’Grady went out of his way to send me something.

Okay, I probably won’t tell them his name. They might know who he is and I’m not ready to tell people I’m getting gifts from a prince.

But I’m also not feeling shy or weird about this attention suddenly.

I usually would. Definitely. I hate being the center of attention. But because this is from Torin…I don’t.

I just feel special.

I give Austin a smile and then reach for the bow. I pull it loose and tear back the paper. Inside is a beautifully decorated cardboard box. It’s immediately obvious what's inside the box.

Austin chuckles. “Cowboy boots?”

I'm grinning. I realize I should have been expecting this.

I lift the lid and then laugh out loud. These are not just cowboy boots. These are so unlike anything I would ever buy for myself that I stare at them in wonder.

You’ll feel differently when the right cowboy is into you.

His message comes back to me immediately. As does the heat and dampness in my panties.