“Of course.”
“I haven’t spoken to Abigail yet.”
Linnea turns fully, her brows up. “Why not?”
“I don’t know what to say. I said it all last night. I suppose I feel like the ball is in her court.”
“The woman who took a huge step even getting on a video call with a bunch of children? You’re leaving this big question of does she love you and want to stay with you in Cara forever in her court?” Linnea shakes her head. “Sure. The Prince of Patience. I bet this lasts till noon. At the latest.”
“You don’t think she’ll show up at ten?”
“Are you seriously going to make her show up at ten? In public? To do the most terrifying thing she could do?” Linnea asks. She looks legitimately shocked.
“I should head her off.” She’s right. I should find her right now and put a stop to this. “Should I make another public announcement? Something about how Abigail…” I frown. “What the hell would I say? That she doesn’t love me? How does that go over? People will hate that. But I can’t say she does love me. She hasn’t told me that and I can’t tell other people she’s feeling something like that without her saying it.”
“You should absolutely not make any more public statements,” Linnea says, holding up a hand. “At least not until you talk to Abigail. Maybe just go find her and tell her you’re sorry. Start with that.”
I take a breath. “But I’m not sure I am. I’m sorry if she’s feeling anxious or uncomfortable. Very fucking sorry about that. I’ll do whatever I can to make that better. But I’m not sorry for what I said.”
Linnea considers that. “I think that’s good. You should probably just tell her that.” She steps closer. “Torin, you and Abi need to just start saying what you feel and think to one another.”
I take a deep breath. I can’t believe that’s the advice I’m getting. I’m all about the words. But I nod. “If she is leaving, I’ll just go with her.”
“What do you mean? She’s leaving?”
“I don’t know. She might want to. I messed our whole agreement up. I won’t force her to stay here. But I’ll go with her. I’ll follow her wherever she goes. And I’ll try like hell to convince her to come back.” I scrub a hand over my face. “Fuck, my grandfather will never forgive me if I get on a plane to the US though.”
“I don’t know about that.”
I swing around at the sound of my grandfather’s voice.
I stare at him.
He’s dressed in blue jeans and a casual button-down shirt. I glance behind him and find his security detail, along with Emil. It appears he walked down here from the palace.
“What…are you doing here?”
“I decided to come to the market,” he says, looking around. “I saw a very persuasive video telling me that this event will give me a chance to sample the produce, check out the new farm building, and hear all about the Prince and Princess’s plans.”
I feel a niggle of embarrassment. Not for what I said, but the whole on-a-pub-table thing. For the first time in my life, actually. “You saw the video.”
“I did. A couple. The one Linnea did.” He gives her a smile. “And yours,” he says, looking at me again.
Linnea has done a few promotional videos for the event, but I didn’t even think of those.
I sigh. “Should I apologize to you as well?”
“For what?”
“For behavior unbecoming of a prince?” I offer.
“Speaking passionately to our people, in the midst of our people, about things that are important to you, is actually quite becoming of a prince. Or a king. Or a leader of any kind.”
I study him. He seems sincere. “So the public sharing of intimate, personal feelings didn’t bother you?” I ask.
“Sharing personal, intimate feelings makes you more human. Though I would think Abi might have some thoughts and feelings about what you shared.” He moves in closer. “You got your message across clearly. You are passionate about three things that are important to both you and this country—the farms, the people, and your princess. I think it’s very good for everyone to see that.”