Page 181 of Reluctantly Royal

“So you need to talk to him.” I sigh. “You and I are both going to have to suck it up and get better at saying the things Torin needs to hear. Just because it’s not what we like to do, doesn’t mean we don’t have to do it.”

He studies me for a moment. “People think that being king means that you never have to do things that you don’t want to do.”

I nod.

“But if you’re doing it well, it’s actually doing a lot of things you don’t want to do,” he continues. “Choosing the greater good over individuals. Weighing every single option. Twice. Sleepless nights. Sometimes cutting off relationships because they are selfish and political. Sometimes maintaining relationships even though they are selfish and political. Putting a country full of people, who are more strangers than friends, ahead of family, actual friends, and yourself. Making mistakes very publicly. Being given respect without ever really knowing if it’s been earned or if it’s just expected.” He gives me a smile that seems genuine but also, tired. “Questioning if this is something you should even want to pass down to your children and grandchildren whom you love very, very much.”

I watch him, thinking all of that over. Finally, I ask, “Were you a little relieved when your grandchildren left Cara? Just a little part of you? For even a day?”

“For much longer than a day,” he says with a nod.

“But you did want him to come back.” I can tell, somehow.

Diarmuid nods again. “Over the ten years he was gone, I saw who he was. I suppose being away from all of this helped me see it even more clearly. I could see who he could be. Who he really wanted to be. He’s a leader. He wants to do great things. He was restless because he didn’t have a purpose. Now he does. He’ll be the best king we’ve had in a while.”

I smile. “You need to tell him all of that.”

“I do,” Diarmuid agrees. He straightens. “Would you like to walk down to the market together?”

I shake my head. “You go ahead. You should talk alone.”

“All right. I’ll see you there.”

I laugh softly. “I’m guessing everyone will see me.”

He reaches out, takes my hand, and squeezes. “Lucky them.”

Chapter 44


Linnea turns back from straightening things on top of the final table that’s been set up for the market. We’re just double-checking things, but of course, everything’s perfect.

Abigail arranged to have everything brought from the farm. Our staff at the ranch and palace worked to produce the food and baked goods. We have additional people on hand to staff the booths that Linnea has trained to answer questions along with handing out samples and helping kids with the games and craft projects.

It's all under control. I honestly believe that between Abigail and Linnea, they could solve every world problem.

"Did you see the video?” I ask Linnea. “Of me, at the pub last night?”

It’s all over the internet and the podcast girls talked about it last night and this morning.

Apparently a lot of the crowd that’s starting to gather isn’t here for the fresh produce and baked goods. They’re here to see if Princess Abigail shows up and publicly declares her feelings for me.

The podcast girls challenged her to do so.

This morning they even put a time on it.

Ten a.m. At the amphitheater in the center of town. Only a few yards from where our stand is set up.

It’s ridiculous. It’s childish.

No one really expects it to happen. Right?

I’m nervous as hell.

“Are you kidding?” Linnea asks. “I’ve watched it six times.”

I sigh. “Jonah filled you in.”