Page 148 of Reluctantly Royal

He stands straighter. “Only if instructed to do so by the king, queen, or princess. Or you. The other princess.”

Right. The people in power. But I have equal power. Got it. I smile. “That wasn’t a test,” I tell him. “I’m truly just curious. I’m learning as I go here.”

“They didn’t instruct you?”

Right. Well, they would have if Torin hadn’t gotten frustrated and swept me off to the ranch after less than forty-eight hours. “I probably just missed that part.” That almost hurts to say. I’ve never ‘missed that part’ in any instruction of any kind, ever.

“You’re fine. You can do whatever you want,” he says, and I swear he’s fighting a smile.

“I do like the sound of that,” I tell him honestly.

“Have a great day, Princess Abigail,” he says, gesturing for me to drive through the gate.

“You too. What’s your name?”

“Brian, Your Highness.”

“Have a great day, Brian.”

He gives me a bow and when I glance up into the rearview mirror, I definitely catch him grinning.

Well, at least I’m entertaining.

Callum, the main butler for the house when the other butlers aren’t expecting people to show up, meets my truck.

“Princess Abigail.” He’s clearly shocked as he grabs the truck door I just pushed open. “I had no idea you were arriving today.”

“No one did, Callum. Surprise!”

He doesn’t look like he appreciates surprises. I get the impression everyone here likes to be very prepared.

“What can I do for you?” he asks, immediately looking for and locating my bag in the backseat. “Are you hungry? In need of…medical attention?”

I laugh. “I just need to know where Torin is.”

“Oh. Well, the prince is in his offices as far as I know, but likely…busy.” He says that last word weakly.

I don’t think he’s supposed to even insinuate that I’m not supposed to interrupt Torin if I want to.

“I’ll find him. And I promise not to be a bother,” I tell him, heading for the steps.

“You haven’t hired an assistant yet, I understand,” Callum calls after me. Clearly if I had an assistant, she or he would have been expected to call ahead and warn everyone I was coming.

But no, I don’t have an assistant. I’ve got a freaking agent. And a friend. “No. I’m good,” I call back, not even slowing.

I head straight to Torin’s office. Samuel is at his desk outside and I prepare myself for his surprise and then his attempt to keep me from interrupting Torin. Instead, he gives me a smile and blows out a huge sigh of relief.

“Princess Abigail, it is so nice to see you.” He rises and comes around his desk.

“It is? Really?”

“Yes.” He strides to Torin’s door. “Please go in.”


“He’s been even more impossible than usual here without you.” He pushes Torin’s door open. “I look forward to his vastly improved mood.” He gives me a little bow as I pass.

I fight a smile but say, “I’ll see what I can do.”