Page 146 of Reluctantly Royal

“If so, it’s behind closed doors. They always support one another in public. But they’re also in charge of different things.”

“I need to know more about this.”

Linnea laughs. “You do. In our constitution, the king and queen share equal power. An O’Grady has to sit on the throne, but his or her spouse also rules. When the O’Grady steps down or passes, the spouse also steps aside. But while King Diarmuid wears the crown, Queen Roisin has equal power.”

My eyes widen as a realization hits me. “So Diarmuid wanting you to be queen really mattered. You would have had real power.”

Linnea is quiet for a moment. Then she says simply, “Yes.”

“And he thought you could correct anything Torin did wrong.” I’m frowning again. “Or would just do things the right way yourself.”

She sighs. “I suppose that’s what he thought, yes.”

“That’s a big deal.”

“It’s not,” Linnea says. “Not anymore.”

“But it is,” I say firmly. “It’s why it’s important that Diarmuid understands that Torin doesn’t need a queen. He needs to truly trust Torin.”

Linnea doesn’t respond immediately, but then she says, “You really care about this. About Torin and the throne and his relationship with the king.”

“I do,” I say without having to think about it for even a second.

“I’m glad.”

I can hear the sincerity in her voice.

“Okay. Then, let’s make it happen,” I say. “Let’s show everyone what a great leader Torin will be. Let’s get these markets set up so the people can understand the farms.”

“Sounds good. I’ll get started right now.”

I can hear her smiling. I know I’m grinning like an idiot. I love a great plan in motion. “I appreciate this. Can you just be my assistant? Forever? Can I hire you for that?”

“You can.” She laughs softly and I hear a warmth in her voice. “But…I’m also doing this because I’m your friend.”

For a second that makes my throat tight. I haven’t had a really good, close girlfriend in…forever. “Thank you.”

“Thank you. You’re doing amazing things for my country, Abi.”

I have to blink fast at that. I swallow. “Oh, and hey?”


“I need to get to the palace.”

“Oh.” I hear her surprise. “Okay. When?”

“Tonight. Well, now. Right away. Torin has a dinner tonight with his family. I want to be there.”

“Then pack a bag and get in the truck, Princess,” Linnea says, her amusement clear in her voice.

“I can just take the truck?”

“You’re not a guest, Abi. This is home and it’s your truck,” she says with a laugh.

I feel that pang near my heart again. This is home. I love those words. But I can’t stop my brain from adding for now on to the end.

“Not that anyone would pull over and ticket the princess anyway,” Linnea says.