Page 87 of Taking First



It was decided that Nora should stay home with me to do some “deprogramming” instead of going to school, hopped up on the happiness that our little family was official and the shit show that went down on Main Street.

We dropped Whit off at work and headed into the city to grab the biggest calendar we could find so we could start our little project.

While heading out of town, we passed Spud, who was pulled over by the State boys, and something told me he was gonna skate, as he tends to do when he’s not in Walton. While in the stationery department, my suspicion was confirmed via text from Marks, who had looked into his driving record, and all but the DUI that Marks had him on, which had not gone to court yet, were non-moving violations. And his lawyer? Kal fucking Seward.

As much as I was trying to stay in the moment with Nora, my wheels got to spinning, and there was no doubt that Kal, Kris, Alice, and more than likely Spud White were all connected in some way.

We just needed to connect it and then see how that would play out in regard to keeping Nora where she was intended to be and also ensure Chloe’s safety as well.

After Nora is in bed, Chloe shows up with an old duffel bag and a suitcase. “Whit messaged me earlier and asked that I bring this over. It’s all full of Nelly’s things. Some of which we went through to get the photos of Bianca and Nora that were used in the slideshow.”

I take the larger bag and open the door wider for her to roll the suitcase in.

“Whit must have gotten to thinking about the possibility of Nelly having something more in one of these since your wedding and the video your mom had sent to Mrs. Nancy, which was so damn sweet, by the way.” She smiles as she hefts it up onto the coffee table.

“It was something we’ll cherish forever. Thank you for helping make Vegas and the wedding and all this special, Chloe. You’re a good friend.”

She waves me off like it’s no big deal, but it is. In my eyes, it’s huge.

“Well, anyway, she got to thinking there could be something on her old phone or a notebook.”

“It’s worth a look.” I place the duffel next to the suitcase and unzip it.

“You want some help?” she asks.

“Sure,” I say, pulling out a bunch of notebooks.

She sits beside me and picks one up.

“Found out today that Spud’s lawyer is Kal.”

She glances over at me. “I didn’t get up into many of Spud’s dubious affairs. Him being connected to someone like Kal, who looks down on everyone, makes little sense, but their common friend, Kris”—she taps the side of her nose—“was someone I hated to see comin’ around. Whenever Spud got into the nose candy, things did not go well for me. When I called the fool on it, he’d beat me down mentally, and if I didn’t seem to be breaking, he’d do so physically.”

“I mean no disrespect, nor can I pretend to know what your life has been like, but it is glaringly obvious that you’re out of his league. What kept you there?” When she looks down, I feel like an asshole. “Please forgive me for?—”

“No, it’s actually good to talk about it. Helps me in a way. At first, he was sweet and treated me better than any man had ever treated me. He convinced me I should live with him, told me I’d be able to help my little sister with the things she needed that financial aid and a work study at school wouldn’t pay for. I wanted her to succeed where I’d failed, and he seemed to understand that need—until he was drunk or getting into the coke.”

“What’s your sister going to school for?”

She lights up. “Cecilia’s going to be a veterinarian one day.”

“That’s wonderful.”

“I’m very proud of her.”

“And you, Chloe, what’s your next step?”

“I’m taking my steps one at a time. Walking from the Pastor and Mrs. B’s house without feeling like he was going to come after me the other night and again tonight, those were big steps.”

I hate to piss on her pumps, but after today’s run-in with Spud, it’s unavoidable. “No woman should ever feel like they have to look over their shoulder. It’s no fun, playing defense all the time, but after what happened this morning and until Spud’s not feeling like he has the right to accost people on the street, I really want you to let someone know where you’re going to be even if it’s a simple walk from there to here.”

Her lips curve into a frown.

“It won’t be forever. He’ll get his, Chloe. I promise you he will.”