Page 7 of Taking First

And I can’t help but laugh.

He looks down at me. “What?”

I step away and look him up and down. “You walk different now.”

“I do not,” he scoffs, dark blue eyes narrowing slightly.

York points her beer toward him. “Totally do.”

Unable to hold back, I look at York. “Oh dang, my mistake. We’ve seen this before, haven’t we?”

She nods to play along, but it’s clear she’s not following since she was a few grades ahead of us and graduated by then.

I tap my lip in thought as I reflect on John Paul wining prom king and how much he hated it. Regardless of the truth, we relentlessly picked on him about how his walk told a different story. “Oh yeah, that was a major league promenade.”

Danny busts up laughing, and John Paul rolls his eyes.

I poke him in the chest. “Why does Danny have a busted lip?”

He looks past me at Danny and then back down at me. “You doing good, Whit?”

“I’m good,” I assure him and then add, “Maybe not major league good, but good just the same.”

His lips twitch. He knows I’m dogging on him.

“Charlie, four shots of tequila,” Danny says.

After doing the shot, I lean in and glance over at Danny. “Spill it.”

“Let’s just say, we were greeted differently by our buddy Major League.”

Gasping, I glance back at John Paul, who’s sitting next to me now, and ask, “You hit him?”

His lips purse together, and the muscles in his jaw flex. He doesn’t say a word.

But Danny does. “I was talking to Molly Horner?—”

York cuts him off with a gagging noise. “Ew, nobody just talks to Molly Horner.”

She’s not wrong.

Danny ignores her and looks at me. “Pope didn’t know you and I had called things off, and he thought I was stepping out on you.”

“Wait, what?” I ask, confused.

Danny narrows his eyes in warning and continues, “I was just about to tell Pope about you and Kal when York walked in.”

“What about me?” comes from behind us, and we all turn around to see Kal walking toward us.

The fact that Kal’s awake and out here in town after ten o’clock at night is shocking. The fact that it’s not our night to hang out, even more so.

I turn and smile,“Hey, it’s a bit late for you, isn’t it?”

His hands grip my hips, and he pulls me toward him. “It’s never too late to see my girl.”

Then, my fiancé lays a kiss on me … in public.