Page 55 of Taking First

“Eight?” Whit gasps. “She’s playing you.”

“She used the Mommy has to work late again card with those big brown eyes and her pouty bottom lip. I caved like a sandcastle at high tide.”

“You’re going to be a teacher; you’d better learn how to recognize a master manipulator.” York giggles.

“Maybe I should finish my hours and get my cosmetology license.”

“What?” Whit laughs as I hand her an open pop and then hand York one too.

“Two-time loser here. Quit college and then became a beauty school dropout.”

Danny pipes in, “Don’t talk shit about yourself. You had circumstances surrounding both situations.”

“What do you know about my situation?” Chloe laughs.

He gives her a look like she knows the answer to that question. Then, very un-Danny like, he avoids stepping further into shit and asks the right question. “Which job would make you happier?”

Whit and I look at each other and share a smile.

Wanting to keep her attention, I ask, “How was work?”

“Busy,” she says before taking a drink of her Dr. Pepper. Then, she asks, “How was your day?”

“Good.” I nod to the garage. “Electric’s updated. Plumbing’s tomorrow, and then insulation and walls.”

“I can’t believe you’re doing”—she shakes her head—“all of this.”

“I can’t believe I didn’t start as soon as I got that signing bonus.”

She looks down to hide a smile, but then gives it to me. “She would be so proud of you.”

“No doubt she is.” I take the opportunity to push a bit, just a gentle nudge. “Wish she could be in Vegas this week.”

As Whit does, she sees right through me. “I know another girl who wishes she could be there.”

Smiling, I tell her, “That other girl can be there. And I really hope she shows.”

Brow arched, she responds, “She’s going to a waterpark with a few of her church friends.”

I lean in and whisper, “Stop trying to date me through your daughter.”

She shoves me gently and whispers, “You don’t get to use my words against me.”

“I’ll use whatever I can to steer us back to good, Whit, all three of us.”

Her brows turn in slightly.

“My hands are on the wheel, but it’s your foot that’s in control of the gas.”

After that message has been delivered, I force myself to focus on something else.

Nodding toward Danny and Chloe, I chuckle. “And then there’s these two.”

Whit smiles as she shakes her head. “He’d better not hurt her.”

“Pay closer attention, Whit. It should be his heart you’re worried about.”
