Page 105 of Taking First

“What was it that JT kid said?”

“Family man. Can’t choose ’em, but never wanna lose ’em?”

“No, I get that part, but then?—”

“Forever Steel. Guessing it has something to do with their last name being Steel.”

“Weird, right?” she looks up. “I googled the others; Tris was in fact the lead singer of a band called Four Play, and Brand Falcon is still topping charts.”

“Yeah.” I rub my lips across Chase’s hair.

“So, what do you want to do?” she asks.

“Make about five more of these.”

“When you can start carrying them, we’ll talk. One day, my body’s not going to bounce back.”

“Your body’s perfect,” I tell her because it damn sure is.

“Well, one day, I’ll be on the trampoline with the kids and piss my pants.”

“One day?” I laugh, and she flicks my ear. “Hey.”

“In my defense, I didn’t piss my pants. My water broke, which was the intention. Chase would have never come out otherwise. Now, answer the question.”

“Whit, I wanna do you for the rest of my life.”

She bends down and kisses … Chase.

“Not cool.”

She leans in again and kisses my cheek.


“Focus. Do you wanna keep playing?”

“I’m thirty-two with no injuries and making stupid money that helps us do good things, but I’m also tired of being away from you all.”


I can’t help but laugh. “It will be entertaining.”

“Three years?”


She nods. “If they promise to give you number 22, then yeah.”