“I pinkie swear promise,” she yells as she throws her arms around me.

I squeeze her tightly, and when I release her, she looks up at me.

“Now that we’ve gotten everything out in the open, the question is, what are we going to do for Christmas?”

She swipes at her nose and waits for me to answer my own question.

“Since we’re already here and our friends have been so kind to us, I think we should probably stay in Lake Mistletoe. What do you think?”

Her eyes light up. “I think that’s a great idea, Daddy,” she squeals.

“There is one condition though,” I add.

She climbs on the bed and sits beside me.

“You have to give everyone an apology for lying, especially Lexie because you talked her into hiding your bad deeds, and that wasn’t very fair, was it?”

“No, sir. It wasn’t fair at all. I’ll apologize to everyone at breakfast,” she says.

I smile at her and pull her into my arms.

“I love you to the moon and back, baby,” I say.

“I love you to the stars and back,” she says.

We unpack our bags, and I get dressed before we join everyone in the dining room.

Trixie, Alice, Annette, Willa, Keller, Lexie and her parents, and a few other guests of the inn, as well as Dawn, Daniel, Norah, and Sela are all seated around the table, enjoying bacon and pancakes when we walk in.

“Good morning, everybody. Cobie has something she’d like to say to you all before we sit to eat,” I say, drawing their attention.

She clings to my leg as she starts to talk. “I’m sorry I stole my daddy’s bag and hid it and that everybody had to spend so much time looking for it. And I’m really sorry I got you into trouble, Lexie.”

She turns to face Lexie’s parents. “Please don’t be mad at her. She was just being a good friend.”

Then, she turns to Trixie and Willa. “I hope you can forgive me and that we can stay here for Christmas.”

Sela’s eyes dart to mine. And I smile.

Trixie climbs out of her chair and reaches a hand to Cobie. Cobie takes it, and the woman tugs her into a hug.

“Of course we forgive you, and we’d love for you to stay and have Christmas with us.”

Trixie turns her to the table. “Isn’t that right?” she asks, and everyone chimes in with positive feedback.

“Now that that’s settled, let’s get you some pancakes,” Alice says as she takes a fork and piles three golden cakes onto a plate for Cobie.

I slide into the open chair at Sela’s side, and my hand finds hers under the table.

“Do you happen to need a date for the Holly Ball?” I ask.

“Why? Do you have somebody in mind?”

I turn and plant a kiss on her lips in full view of everyone.

“Now, that’s what I’m talking about. Christmas magic,” Norah shouts.
