“Don’t beat yourself up too badly. There isn’t a parent alive who hasn’t brushed off their child’s words at some point. I did it a thousand times with Hannah,” Trudy consoles.

“That is true,” Hannah confirms.

“No parent is perfect. We’re all just figuring it out as we go along. Next time, you’ll do better,” Bob offers.

“So, um, what are you gonna do?” Bran asks.

“I’m going to play Santa,” I say.

I look to Alice. “Are you okay with giving up your room a bit longer?”

She smiles wide. “Absolutely.”

I drive Sela home.

As I walk her inside, my mind tries to come up with the words I want to say to her.

But as we make it to the top of the stairs, I lose all train of thought when she turns and her mouth finds mine immediately. She hungrily kisses me as she pulls me over the threshold and back to the foot of her bed.

All the tension from the evening’s events leaves me as her hands slide down and around to cup my behind. I take control of the kiss as she strips her leggings off and wraps her legs around my waist, and I lower her to the mattress. Her head falls back against the pillows, and she arches her back and slides her sweater over her head. She reaches for me, and I move on top of her as she threads her fingers through my hair and tugs. She presses her body into mine, and the evidence of my need twitches against the creamy skin of her thigh as an all-consuming heat crawls up my spine.

Her body starts trembling with desire, and she hooks a leg behind me as she tries desperately to get closer.

I bear up on an elbow for a split second, grab the back of my collar, and fling my shirt over my head and across the room. Then, my attention goes to her breast. She slides her hands down my rib cage and to my hips, the tips of her fingers digging into the muscle.

I release a guttural groan as my tongue runs circles around one taut nipple before I suck it between my teeth and bite down gently. Her body spasms at the contact, and pride bubbles in my chest at the knowledge that I can cause that response in her.

How can I feel this intensely for someone I’ve only known for a couple of weeks?

Never have my mind and body been so in tune with that of a lover. I want to touch and kiss and possess every inch of her.

She grips me closer as she slides a hand between us and undoes the button of my jeans while my mouth continues to explore her.

An urgent ache pulses in my lower back as she wraps her fingers around my cock.

Damn, that feels so good.

She purrs her encouragement as she struggles to release me from my underwear.

I lift my head at the sound, and before she can protest, I go to my knees and yank my jeans down my thighs, taking my boxers with them.

She sighs as I come back over her.

“Sela.” Her name is a lust-filled plea on my lips.

She bears up and takes my mouth as her hand finds me hard and ready once again. She grips the base with one hand as she strokes me firmly with the other. Running her nail over the sensitive tip. I twitch in her fist, and my breath catches as I watch her hands.

“Sela,” I rasp once more as my hands clasp her shoulders tightly, and I stare into her eyes.

Her tongue darts out and licks my bottom lip as she continues to stroke me faster.

“Yes,” she murmurs, and the heat in her eyes as she watches me nearly sets me aflame.

She grins and falls back against the pillows as I mutter unintelligible sentences.

She begins to rock her hips against my thighs with the rhythm of her hand as she pumps her fist around me.

That’s when my patience snaps. I flip her to her back, and she lets out a yelp as her back hits the mattress.