“Christmas field day, huh?” Isaac says as he falls into step beside me.

“That’s right. A wreath race, timed gift wrapping, Christmas limbo, pin the tail on Rudolph.” I name a few of the games.

“And you signed me up for this?” he asks.

“I sure did. If I have to participate as Norah’s partner, you have to suffer too.”

“That’s just mean,” he accuses.

I laugh.

“Dawn and Daniel signed up, and I thought Cobie would enjoy doing it with you,” I clarify.

“Hopefully, I don’t fall on my face and cost her a stuffed snowman or something equally valuable,” he says.

“I promise not to laugh if you do.”

“I appreciate that,” he says.

We find Dawn and Daniel waiting in line at the roasted chestnut cart, and they join us as we take Cobie to visit Santa, who is sitting in the sleigh that Keller and Bran made for him.

We wait for our turn, and Isaac takes photos as Cobie climbs the steps of the sleigh and takes a seat beside the realistic-looking Santa.

They talk in low voices before an elf helps her down the other side to where Dawn, Daniel, and I are waiting and sends her off with a candy cane.

Isaac snaps a couple more frames before he rounds the front to join us.

“What about you, young fella?” Santa calls.

I look up to see who he’s shouting at.

He looks right at Isaac and nods. “Yes, you there with the camera. What do you want for Christmas this year, Isaac?” he asks as he points his white-glove-covered finger at him.

“How do you know—” Isaac begins.

“Your name? Haven’t you heard? I know everybody,” he answers the unfinished question.

Isaac grins.

“A million dollars,” he quips.

Santa’s brows drop, as if Isaac’s answer disappoints him.

“Can’t you come up with anything better than that?” he asks.

Better than a million dollars?

“You wouldn’t happen to know where our passports are?” Isaac asks.

He smiles. “I’d guess they are right where they’re supposed to be,” he replies cryptically.

“No, sir, they’re not. That’s why I asked you,” Isaac retorts.

Santa belly-laughs, and I swear it sounds like, “Ho, ho, ho,” as it floats down from his perch above us.

He waves over the next child in line, and Isaac shake his head as if to clear it of the strange exchange when the mayor’s voice sounds over the intercom system, calling all reindeer game contestants to meet by the Christmas tree.

Once we’ve all gathered, he announces the first competition. The three-legged wreath race.