“Hey, lover boy, can we get a little help over here?”

I turn to see Bran and Keller balancing the ends of the crib as they carry it toward the steps that lead up to Keller and Willa’s home.

“Coming,” I call. “I’d better go before they break their necks,” I tell her.

“Good idea.”

I walk backward, not taking my eyes off her.

She shakes her head as the pink finally creeps up her neck and hits her cheeks.

There it is.

I wink at her before I turn and navigate the guys up to the nursery.


Today’s the day. My favorite of the entire year.

I wake early, shower, and dress in a warm Christmas sweater and fleece-lined leggings before heading downstairs.

Norah and her sister, Donna, are in the shop. Barry, Donna’s husband, is loading the bed of his truck with poinsettias and potted miniature Christmas trees to haul to the flower shop booth at the market.

“Sela, will you be my partner in the reindeer games? Donna here is claiming her ankle hurts to get out of it.” Norah scowls.

“My ankle is hurt,” Donna defends as she raises her pants leg to reveal a swollen purple area above the sock covering her right foot.

“Whatever,” Norah says.

“Um, I’m supposed to show Dawn and Isaac around for the mayor,” I inform her.

“So? You can still participate,” Norah says.

“Why can’t Sammy be your partner?” Donna asks.

“Because he has the coordination of a newborn calf—that’s why.”

Donna rolls her eyes. “God, you’re so competitive. It’s like Pop and Keller and the boat contest.”

“And you are a big fat letdowner,” Norah retorts.

I throw my hand up. “Don’t fight. I’ll do it,” I relent.

Donna’s eyes flicker to me. “Good luck partnering with this one. She is worse than my kids.”

Norah sticks her tongue out at her sister as Donna hobbles out of the door and to Barry’s truck.

“How fast are you at wrapping?” Norah asks.

I shrug. “Average.”

She shakes her head. “I’m gonna kill Donna for getting hurt.”

“Can you give me a ride to The Gingerbread Inn?” I ask.


“When does the boat parade start?” Cobie asks as I lead her and her father through the throngs of festivalgoers.