“Yes, with your Swedish porridge demonstration the other night. We decided that we’d like to make some treats from around the world, so we asked some of the guests if they had any requests. Mr. Fritz said his German grandmother used to make him pfeffernusse cookies every Christmas when he was a kid. He hasn’t had one since she passed over two decades ago, so I found a recipe. The only ingredients we didn’t have in the pantry were the star anise and blackstrap molasses, but I sent Bob to the market. Oh, and just for you, Isaac, we made a batch of peppermint buttercream-filled macarons. We’ll serve them after dinner tonight,” Alice expounds.

“What about the gingerbread theme?” Isaac asks.

“We’ll have gingerbread bread pudding as well,” Trixie replies.

He reaches for one of the pink-hued cookie sandwiches that are cooling.

Alice smacks at his hand.

“Oh, no, you don’t. No spoiling your dinner. Now, get out of my kitchen.” She shoos us away.

“I’d better get back out there and make sure Cobie and Lexie don’t break a leg,” he says as we stand in the hallway.

“The girls are waiting on me in the atrium,” I say.

“Are you staying for dinner?” he asks.

“I can.”

He smiles. “Then, I’ll see you soon.”

He walks off toward the front of the inn. I make my way to the back door and out to the atrium, where Hannah and Norah are already draping the round tables—which Keller and Bran set up around the garden—with tablecloths.

I dive right in and get to work, prepping the food stations and making signs to label each dish. I make a mental note to ask Willa’s favorite punch flavor as I set the crystal punch bowl in the center of the sweets table.

Hannah, ever the organized one, starts creating a checklist, ensuring we don’t miss a single detail.

As we work, laughter and chatter fill the garden, reflecting the joy we’re putting into every aspect of this celebration for our friend, because we’re not just planning a baby shower; we’re weaving memories into every decoration, every centerpiece, making sure that Willa feels the love and excitement we have for her and Keller’s growing family.

When we are done, I can’t help but imagine Willa’s face lighting up when she enters the venue, greeted by the baby safari wonderland we’ve meticulously crafted.

This baby shower isn’t just about celebrating a new life; it’s about creating a magical moment that Willa will cherish forever.

“I think that’s it, ladies,” Norah says as she loops an arm around both our necks.

“It’s perfect,” Hannah whispers.

“Yep, and Willa is going to love it. We just have to ensure that she doesn’t sneak a peek before Friday,” I add.

Norah grins. “Not a problem. I threatened her.”

“She can literally see into the atrium every time she walks from her home to the inn,” I point out.

“It’s two days. Surely, she can resist for two days,” Hannah mutters.

“I’d better enlist Keller’s help,” Norah says.

The back door opens, and Willa’s voice calls out, “Dinner’s ready!”

“Don’t come out here!”

We all three begin shouting at once as we rush toward her.


After dinner, Cobie and Lexie change into their pajamas and snuggle together in Lexie’s room to watch television. Cobie has spent the last few nights sleeping in here since we moved next door into Alice and Hal’s room.

I guess it’s more fun to share a room with your friend than your father.