“Double layer of wool socks, waterproof gloves, and sunglasses,” Bran advises.

Those I have.


“We’re going to build a boat?”

I glance over at Cobie, who is buckled into the passenger seat of the SUV.

“Technically, we’re decorating the boat for a Christmas parade on the lake, but Bran and his dad are taking two kayaks and creating a boat, so, yeah, I guess we are building a boat,” I explain.

“You don’t build stuff,” she points out.

I nod. “That’s true, but Bran does, and I can follow directions, so he and his dad are going to teach me.”

“Will you get a prize, too, if they win?”

I smile at my inquisitive girl. “I think it’s a single blue ribbon and bragging rights.”

She nods. “At least we can say our team won.”

“Exactly,” I agree.

I pull around to the back of the building and park next to Bran’s truck. The garage doors are open once again, and Sela is leaning over Bran’s shoulders, watching him as he secures a bracket to one of the kayaks.

Cobie unbuckles and grabs her door handle.

Before I have time to make it around the hood of the truck to help her, she has jumped down.

“Sela!” she yells as she sprints down the asphalt toward them.

Sela looks up and smiles wide as she bends to catch my little girl in her open arms.

She squeezes her for a moment before she releases her and stands.

“I didn’t know you were going to be here,” Cobie says.

“Yep. Mom and I are going to help Hannah put together guest gifts for Willa’s baby shower. Do you want to help?”

“What do you want me to do?” Cobie asks.

“Mom brought honey she and Dad harvested from their bees a couple of months ago, and we’re going to fill miniature jars. I printed blue labels for them that say,A little honey is on the way. Then, we are going to put them in a green organza bag with a honey dipstick and tie it with a yellow bow. You can fill the bags and tie the bows. Hannah’s making homemade goat milk soaps and pouring it into safari animal molds. When they cool, we’ll help her put those in bags with a tag that says,From our baby to yours.”

“Soap and honey?” Bran asks.

Sela shrugs. “Not everyone likes honey. Hannah wants the guest to have options.”

“Who doesn’t like honey?” Norris bellows.

Cobie turns to me. “Daddy, I know I said I’d help with the boat, but Sela needs me.”

“I indeed do,” Sela agrees.

I flit my eyes between the two of them.

“All right. You can assist the ladies. But Sela is in charge. You have to mind her.”

Cobie reaches up and takes Sela’s hand. “Okay.”