Cobie’s pleading eyes come to me from her place across the table, next to Lexie. “Can we, Daddy?” she asks.

“Annette checked, and our room isn’t available after tonight,” I tell her.

Her face falls.

“You can stay with me and Bran,” Hannah offers.

“No, we discussed it already. Alice and Hal can stay with me and Bob at our house, and you two can move to their room here,” Trixie declares.

My eyes flit to a smiling Alice. “I can’t ask you to do that,” I say.

“You didn’t,” she quips.

“But you start your day so early already,” I begin.

Her hand shoots into the air to stop me. “We insist. Trixie’s house is only minutes away, and Dawn’s right; it’ll be nice to have photos of the boat parade, Christmas Market, and Holly Ball. Plus, Cobie and Lexie promised to pitch in at the Inn Hop.” She glances at my daughter and winks.

These people are something else. We’ve only known them for a few short days, and they feel like family. I’m beginning to understand why guests return to the inn year after year. They claim you.


Cobie’s voice pulls me from my thoughts.

“Okay. We’ll stay until our passports are found.”

“Yay,” Lexie howls as she throws her arms around Cobie.

My gaze slides to Sela, who is quietly enjoying her meal.

Her lips turn up in a slight smile as she chews.

Bran’s truck pulls in as Keller and I are carrying more wood inside.

“Hey, I heard you are staying in town,” he says as he grabs an armful and follows.

“Looks like it,” I reply.

“So, that means you can help with our parade entry now,” he states.

Keller looks over his shoulder. “No way. He’s our guest. If anyone can claim him, it’s me.”

Bran scowls at him. “You and Bob already have Barry and Sammy if you need them,” he gripes.


“So, don’t be stingy. Or are you just scared?” Bran teases.

Keller drops the logs beside the fireplace and turns to face us. “He’s seen our plans.”

Bran nods. “I know. And I’ve already tried prying details out of him. He’s a vault,” Bran informs him.

Keller crosses his arms over his chest. “Fine. You can have Isaac, but that’s it. One of him equals both of my brothers-in-law.”

“Fair enough,” Bran agrees.

They both look at me.

“I’m in.”