I lie down beside her and prop myself against the headboard. I make up an adventurous tale of Santa and his reindeer crashing into and getting caught on the Eiffel Tower in Paris and Mrs. Claus coming to the rescue by sending a group of elves to help save Christmas.

Cobie’s eyes get heavy with sleep, and before the elves make it to Santa’s side, she is lightly snoring.

I kiss the top of her head, stand quietly, and head into the bathroom to shower the day away.


Icarefully balance the cardboard tray in one gloved hand as I use the other to open the heavy black iron door to town hall. I wave to the receptionist, Roxie, who is seated at the desk to the right.

She beams as I pluck a cup for her.

“What do we have this morning? Wait, let me guess,” she says as she takes the cup and inhales. “Black tea with cinnamon and cloves?” she asks.

I shake my head. “Christmas tea with cacao nibs, clementine, and Mrs. Beatty’s secret Christmas spice blend.”

“Oh boy, thank you.”

I pull two packets of brown sugar from my pocket for her and proceed to hurry down the hallway.

“Your peppermint mocha,” I say as I hand off one of the coffees to Gillian as I pass the post office counter.

“You’re a godsend, Sela,” Gillian calls after me.

I continue on my way, stopping by Sheriff Watson’s office to deliver his secretary, Patricia’s, bagel and cream cheese.

I come to a halt in front of the door at the end of the hallway. I knock lightly before entering the mayor’s office, the remaining steaming takeaway mugs of holiday lattes in my hand. The aroma of freshly brewed beans fills the room as I set the tray down on the edge of the large mahogany desk.

The mayor, Hoyt Miller, is on the phone, and I begin to tiptoe backward until he raises a finger to ask me to wait for a moment.

I started working for the mayor’s office this summer after graduating from the University of Idaho Boise, where I’d studied interior architecture design. My dream is to be a museum technician and conservator right here in Lake Mistletoe. There is so much rich history in our small town and many talented local artisans.

Mayor Miller and I have worked hard to find the right location to build a museum to collect, preserve, interpret, and display that history and local art for generations to come, and now, we are fighting to secure funding for it.

He clicks off his call, and I hand him one of the lattes.

He takes a sip, closes his eyes, and sighs. “Tart, but so good.”

“I’m glad you like it. Mrs. Beatty at the coffee shop is trying some new flavors this week. Today’s special is white chocolate and cranberry latte.”

He takes another sip and sets the cup to the side as he motions for me to take a seat.

I grab the other coffee and settle into the soft tobacco-colored leather chair in front of his desk.

“Sela, I need you to do me a favor. A travel magazine is sending a journalist to town to write an article about Lake Mistletoe,” he begins.

“That’s wonderful!”

“Yes, it is. I’m planning to devote most of my time next week to her and give her a history lesson about the town, but the photographer who will be capturing the photos that will accompany the article online and in the print copies had to come early because of a planned European trip for the holidays. He arrived yesterday, and he’s coming in this morning. Unfortunately, I’ll be busy overseeing the setup and decorating for the tree lighting the next few days, so I need you to show him around town.”

“Okay. Anywhere in particular you want him to see?” I ask.

He raises a hand and swirls it in the air. “Oh, you know, downtown, the inns on the other side of the lake, the park, the skating rink, places like that. Just give him the grand tour, show him everything that you find captivating in town this time of year and introduce him around.”

“You got it, boss,” I agree.

“Thanks, Sela. It’ll be a big help. His name is Isaac Ralston. He’ll be here at ten. I’m headed out now to meet Bob at the hardware store to load up supplies. Please give Isaac my apologies and let him know that I’m eagerly anticipating meeting him tomorrow.”

He stands, and I follow suit and walk with him to the door. I tell Roxie to ring my office when Isaac Ralston shows, and then I run to make a few calls and get a game plan together ahead of his arrival.